Another fire on the heathland meant we were there for another reptile rescue: looking through the burnt area for dead and surviving reptiles. We only found a few specimens, unfortunately all dead! Loads of spiders and insects were still crawling around, which means this fire wasn’t as fierce as the one a month ago. Anyway, what about those “famous legs”?!?!
Photo shows my legs after two hours of walking through scorched heathland… one of the wardens (from another heathland area) asked if she could take a picture of my legs?!???? Here’s the ensuing conservation:
Me: “oh… my legs are going to be famous!”.
Her: “certainly!!”
Me: “ on the cover of Vogue, right?!?!”
Her: “certainly!!”….
Then she muttered: “I doubt if they are even going to use the pictures!” She meant for their local heathland webpage 😢😢😢😢 My dream of becoming famous is totally shattered now 🤣🤣🤣
But it got me thinking: why would you take a picture of my legs like that? Will it put people off going there? Will it put people off helping out after the fire? What caption would she put on it? Any ideas about how to caption the photo?!
In the replies: the dead creatures. The scorched heathland. And still beauty there: this fallen scorched tree is somehow beautiful.
“Oh….My legs are going to be famous!!!” Well…🤣🤣🤣
Background to the title:
Another fire on the heathland meant we were there for another reptile rescue: looking through the burnt area for dead and surviving reptiles. We only found a few specimens, unfortunately all dead! Loads of spiders and insects were still crawling around, which means this fire wasn’t as fierce as the one a month ago. Anyway, what about those “famous legs”?!?!
Photo shows my legs after two hours of walking through scorched heathland… one of the wardens (from another heathland area) asked if she could take a picture of my legs?!???? Here’s the ensuing conservation:
Me: “oh… my legs are going to be famous!”.
Her: “certainly!!”
Me: “ on the cover of Vogue, right?!?!”
Her: “certainly!!”….
Then she muttered: “I doubt if they are even going to use the pictures!” She meant for their local heathland webpage 😢😢😢😢 My dream of becoming famous is totally shattered now 🤣🤣🤣
But it got me thinking: why would you take a picture of my legs like that? Will it put people off going there? Will it put people off helping out after the fire? What caption would she put on it? Any ideas about how to caption the photo?!
In the replies: the dead creatures. The scorched heathland. And still beauty there: this fallen scorched tree is somehow beautiful.