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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

When I Say Jump HIIT Cardio Workout Round 2 - 28 Min High Intensity Interval Training

28 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Balance/Agility, Cardiovascular, HIIT, Plyometric, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    We are back with another round of one of Fitness Blender's signature workouts; When I Say Jump HIIT cardio.

    If you haven’t done one of our HIIT workout videos like this one before, here’s a rundown on how it works:

    There are 12 different intervals of bodyweight cardio exercises. Each interval lasts one full minute. Throughout that minute, we will be calling out either “Jump” or “Down”. When we say “Jump” – stop what you are doing in the middle of whichever exercise we’re on, get on your feet and jump upwards. When we say “Down”, immediately drop to the ground in a high plank, and then jump back upright (essentially performing a Burpee).

    Here’s the trick to getting the most out of this workout and not feeling completely uncoordinated or out of tune with the video; don’t try and follow along with me in terms of the pace of repetitions. Watch and follow the video, but don’t expect to move at the same pace or else it will feel more awkward. Instead, do the exercises of each interval at your own speed, and when you hear Daniel give either one of the commands, react accordingly, as soon as you hear it.

    At some point during this routine, you will likely end up laughing at yourself, largely thanks to Daniel’s tendency to enjoy making us either jump or plank over and over again, sometimes back to back (to back...).

    This kind of workout is fun, which makes it go by fast. It’s great in terms of calorie burn and the bodyweight exercises can help you tone up quickly. As an added bonus, it’s HIIT, meaning that you’ll likely have an elevated metabolism for hours after your finished. It also quickly boosts your endurance, and this particular signature Fitness Blender HIIT workout video is also good for quickening your reaction time and your coordination (having to quickly react & adjust to Daniel’s commands).

    Routine Structure
    Warm Up
    High Intensity Interval Training Workout
    Yoga Infused Cool Down & Stretch

    Warm Up
    Slow High Knees
    Standing Toe Touches
    Jog in Place
    Lateral Rows
    Squat Pulls
    Torso Twist Knees
    Butt Kickers

    HIIT Workout
    1 Jumping Jacks – Down
    2 Static Squat – Up
    3 Ventral Hops – Down
    4 Plank Jack Butt Kickers – Up
    5 Side Shuffles – Down
    6 Side Winder Mt Climbers – Up
    7 Wall Jumps – Down
    8 Plank Knee Crosses – Up
    9 High Knees – Down
    10 Crisscross Jackknife Crunches – Up
    11 Double Butt Kickers – Down
    12 Mountain Climber Switches

    If you have energy left after completing this routine, try pairing it with a bit of extra cardio – our low impact cardio would be best to further bump up the calorie burn – or doing some of our strength training workout videos before or after this routine.

    Make sure that you don’t skip the warm up or the cool down. Some of the exercises in this routine are very high impact and shouldn’t be attempted by beginners. If you need an easier starting point, we have many free, full length beginner workout videos to choose from.

    What did you think of this HIIT workout? Did it go by fast for you? Did you end up laughing at yourself trying to keep up with our demands?