Pay it Forward

If Fitness Blender has made an impact on your fitness and you want to share the love, you can Pay it Forward and give members the chance to earn access to FB Plus for free.

The Program

The Pay it Forward Program allows you to share your love of FB Plus with other members. When you purchase a Pay it Forward card, the amount goes into a community fund. Every time a member works out, participates in the community, or completes other activities online, they earn another chance to receive a free FBPlus Pass or a discount on their FBPlus membership.

How it Works

  • Purchase as many Pay it Forward Cards as you like.
  • The amount is immediately deposited into a community fund.
  • Staying active on automatically makes you eligible.
  • Throughout the year a selection of eligible members are chosen to receive a free FB Plus Pass or a discount on their FB Plus Membership.

If you would like to Pay it Forward to a specific member, Send Us a Message so we know how many of you are interested in this option and we can add the functionality to the system.

By purchasing a Pay it Forward, you agree to Fitness Blender’s Pay it Forward Terms and Conditions, including no refunds.