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Ultimate HIIT Workout for People Who Get Bored Easily - Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout

25 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    This HIIT workout is a beast! It's challenging, but it's fun, and even when the intervals are really tough, it's comforting knowing that you only have to do each exercise just once. So, yes; there are Burpees, but you only have to do them for 20 seconds.

    The "for people who get bored easily" format means that there is not a single repeat exercise in this high intensity interval training workout - it's the ultimate workout for people with short attention spans! As it turns out, this format makes for a pretty interesting twist on high intensity interval training - I was thinking that it would be easier but (especially in the first half of the routine) I was as red/purple as a beet and this toasted me pretty quickly. I would love to hear about what you guys think about this workout, so if you try it, be sure to let me know how it went for you in the comments below.

    Fat Burning HIIT Workout Structure
    We're going to be doing 20 seconds of HIIT exercises - just one round of each, with a ten second break in between each. The active intervals are short so be ready to push yourself hard during those 20 seconds in order to get the most from this HIIT workout. During the 10 second breaks, make sure to keep your feet moving with at least a boxer shuffle. 

    20 Seconds on, 10 seconds rest - for every single interval! 
    2 exercises/minute - 40 Exercises

    5 Minute Warm Up - 30 Seconds Each (if you've been sitting for extended periods, a longer warm up will help loosen up muscles even better)
    Jog in Place
    High Knee March
    Butt Kicker Rows
    Front Kicks
    Overhead & Toe Touch
    Curtsy Lunge
    Jumping Jacks

    Printable HIIT Workout - 20 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Rest

    High Knees
    Mt Climbers
    Ski to Sumo
    Lateral Jumps
    Split Jumps
    Side Step Jumps (jump squat with side step)
    Spider Pushups
    Single Leg Jackknife
    Broad Jumps
    Jumping Lunges
    Round of Applause
    Fast Feet
    Up & Out Jacks
    Star Jumps
    2 Knees + Switchfoot

    Water Break

    Get Ups
    Plank Jacks
    Power Skips
    Side Lunge Center Jumps
    Squat Hold Burpee
    Push Ups
    Russian Twist
    Oz Squats
    Power Curtsy
    3 Squat Jacks + Jump
    2 High Kick (1 side) + Jump Up Hard
    Rocket Squats
    Plank Up + Toe Tap
    Butt Kicker Drops
    3 Pulse Jumping Lunges
    Tricep Dip Kicks
    Up Down Plank
    Front Kick + Squat 
    Stutter Jacks
    Split Jump Squat
    Fly Jacks
    Plyo Toe Tap Side Lunge 
    Jump Squats

    Suggested cool down & stretch

    Like this workout format for people who get bored easily? We do too! Check out our other workouts like this one: 

    This workout was a request from many of you. We do our best to deliver, so if there's something you would like to see us tackle in the future - topic or training style - speak up in the comment section below!