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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Total Body Warm Up Cardio - 5 Minute Warm Up Workout

5 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Warm Up/Cool Down
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    In this quick warm up video we get you prepped and ready to start any workout you choose in just over 5 minutes. We focus on the entire body so this video works equally well as a set up to an upper body routine as it does a lower body routine. You can even use it as pre-yoga or Pilates video to make sure your body is sufficiently warm so you can go directly into more intense stretches and holds.

    We try to keep our warm ups as quick as possible because we know that everyone wants to get on with their real workout but be sure you give these often ignored routines the respect they deserve as they play a very important role in an overall well balanced workout.  Though you may not want to give a warm up your full attention or might want to skip it all together, keep this in mind; when you take the time to properly increase your core temperature, get blood flowing at capacity to all your extremities, and limber your joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, it actually makes your overall workout more efficient.  If your body is already up to speed when you ask it to start a demanding workout, there is no lag time between the first move and you burning as many calories as you can.

    When you try to start cold, your range of motion will be limited, your endurance will be limited, and your maximum energy output will be limited until your body can hit its ideal working conditions. It doesn't take long for your body to hit its desired working conditions but when you are doing very challenging movements this could drastically decrease your performance for 5 to 10 minutes.

    Lets say you don't care about getting a more efficient workout, burning more calories, or making more progress with the time you put in to each routine, even with these circumstances there is still a very good reason you will still want to dedicate time to a proper warm up; injury prevention.  If you have been exercising for any time at all you have most likely already heard this but, just to say it again, taking the time to properly prepare your body for exercise can greatly decrease your chances of preventable injury.  After all, the time you would save by not doing a warm up is nothing compared to the days, weeks or even months you could be out due to a pulled muscle or torn ligament all because you were in a hurry and your body wasn't ready for activity yet. Do yourself and your goals a favor and be sure to always get in a total body warm up or at the least a warm up specific to the muscles and joints you will be using with that days routine.

    Workout Structure:
    Do the following 10 exercises for 30 seconds each, 1 set through. Move from one exercise to the next without stopping to rest.

    Push Pull
    High Knee March
    Arm Circles
    Deep Squat
    Arm and Hip Rotations
    Fluid Warrior
    Torso Rotations
    Up and Outs
    Boxer Shuffle
    Jumping Jacks