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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Total Body Strength Barbell Workout - Dumbbell or Barbell Exercises for Strength

11 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training
    • Equipment Barbell, Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Like many of our workouts just because a piece of equipment is in the title does not mean you necessarily have to have that equipment to do the workout video.  So, to drive that point home we actually showed how to do this routine with not only a barbell as the title suggests, (demonstrated by Daniel) but also using dumbbells (demonstrated by Kelli).  By showing proper form with both the barbell and dumbbells we intended to show how easy it can be to substitute equipment and still get a workout that is just as effective as with the originally intended equipment.

    In this video we go through a few strength oriented exercises that can easily be used for mass building or just strength training, by simply changing the amount of weight/difficulty and number of repetitions for each move.  If you want to just focus on strength without necessarily increasing size then be sure to do all 12 repetitions and select a weight that is difficult but not so much so that you can not comfortably complete all repetitions with clean form. On the other hand if you are wanting to focus on more mass building drop the number of repetitions you do down to 8 and use enough weight that you can keep your form clean but only barely, where you may need to stop and rest to complete all repetitions with proper form.

    No matter which approach you choose this quick strength training routine focuses on both upper and lower body muscle groups to get in a fast calorie burn that will leave you sore the next day.

    Now because of the nature of this routine, the amount of weight you select has a direct correlation to how many calories you burn, so it is very difficult to properly give a range of calorie burn because if you use light weight then you will burn significantly less then someone who uses a very heavy weight.  With that said we have given a very general calorie burn estimate that most people will fall under but keep in mind that you could easily burn more or less then this range.

    This workout can burn from 6 calories per minute up to 14 calories per minute giving you an average burn of 60 - 140 calories for this quick 10 minute routine.

    Workout Program: (2 Groups, 2 Exercise per Group, 2 Sets per Exercise)

    Squat  (Kelli is using 30lb/13.6kg Total; Daniel is using 85lb/38.55kg Total)
    Upright Row  (Kelli is using 18lb/8.16kg Total; Daniel is using 35lb/13.88kg Total)

    Lunge and Curl  (Kelli is using 24lb/10.88kg Total; Daniel is using 35lb/13.88kg Total)
    Bent-over Row  (Kelli is using 18lb/8.16kg Total; Daniel is using 45lb/20.41kg Total)