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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Quick Leg Burn - Beginner to Advanced Lower Body Workout Routine

24 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    If you don't have a whole lot of time but still want to get a good leg workout in, then this is a great video to choose. We designed this routine to not only be easy for beginners but also to be easily modified for even the most advanced exerciser. All you need to do is add a little extra resistance and you turn this routine from a toning focused workout to a strength training routine that will leave your legs shaky and sore the next day.

    This video focuses on primarily base strength and endurance when done as we do it (i.e. without extra weight). However, if you can easily perform each exercise with full range of motion and perfect control then you may want to add additional weight to make this workout that much more difficult. Each exercise will be different as far as how much weight you should add but always start light and you can always add more weight next time. When you add extra resistance in the form of dumbbells, a medicine ball, weighted vest, sandbag, etc, you change this workout from more of a toning, endurance focused routine, to a strength focused and/or mass building routine. Keep in mind however that some of these exercises are difficult to use extra weight with due to their demands on balance. In the workout description below you can read more about each exercise and which are best to modify and how to modify them.

    In this video we have included a quick warm up before we start working those legs. We have 10 different leg exercises that we will be doing, and we will be going through only one set of each. Each set will be 60 seconds in length and then you will be given 15 seconds rest to set up for the next exercise. Once done we will have a short cool down and stretch portion to help deminish tightness and soreness the next day.

    Exercise List:

    Squat (Easy to modify; use any weighted object that is most comfortable for you)
    Lateral Jump (Difficult to modify; a weighted vest or ankle weights works best)
    Ski Squat (Easy to modify; use any weighted object that is most comfortable for you)
    Lunges (Easy to modify, dumbbells at sides or medicine ball at chest is best)
    Sumo Squat (Moderate to modify; medicine ball at chest or barbell on shoulders is easiest)
    Straight Leg Dead Lift (Easy to modify; dumbbells or barbell at thighs are best)
    Tip Toe Squat (Difficult to modify; because of balance issues weighted vest is best)
    Calf Raises (Easy to modify; one dumbbell, same arm as leg is best, leaves one hand free for balance)
    Plie Squat (Difficult to Modify; because of balance issues weighted vest is best)
    Single Leg Bridge (Difficult to modify; placing a dumbbell on the hips is best but makes balance more difficult)

    The calories burned with this video vary wildly depending on if you are using extra weight and how much you are using. The calorie ranges are just based off of the use of body weight only. Again these ranges are dependent upon many different aspects including height, weight, gender, effort level, and current physical condition so everyone will be different and few of you may even fall outside of the ranges we provide. For this workout we have estimated a calorie burn of 3 calories per minute on the low end and of 6 calories per minute on the high end. Giving you a total calorie burn of between 73 and 145 total calories burnt. As mentioned before this is if done with just bodyweight so if you use any extra weight you can easily burn over 200 calories for this workout.