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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Quick Chest and Back Workout

8 Min • Upper Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training
    • Equipment Bench, Dumbbell, Physio-Ball
    • Membership Free


    In this quick strength routine we put together a well-balanced chest and back routine that can be done quickly and still encompass a full range of positions targeting various aspects of the chest and upper back. Though the main focus in this routine is the pectorals (chest muscles) and the rhomboids and trapezius (muscles of the upper back) it also uses the lats, lower back, bicep, tricep, and deltoid as stabilizing and assisting muscles.

    This routine is designed to be done by itself (in conjunction with a warm up and cool down) as a quick strength training workout; to be done twice through for a longer more intensive strength training program or, to be done in a two-a-day format for faster increases in mass, where you do it twice in a single day with around 6 hours of rest in between. No matter how this chest and back workout is used this routine can easily help you on your way to more strength and/or size.

    You could also pair this upper body workout with Fitness Blender’s cardio workouts. If you are lifting a very challenging amount of weight, we advise that you steer clear of our HIIT workouts directly before or after, so as to not diminish the effort and energy you are able to apply to either of the physically demanding routines, but any of our low-moderate intensity cardio workouts would pair well with this video.

    In the above video we show all of these exercises being done with a physio-ball (aka exercise ball, ab ball, swiss ball) in place of a traditional workout bench. Though a physio-ball works well for this application there are some pros and cons. If you know you are going to be using lighter weights (weight that is challenging but easily controlled) then a physio-ball is a better choice as the added challenge for balance engages your core muscles, causing you to tone your abs, back, and obliques all while working your chest and back. Though this option can help burn a few more calories it is more dangerous as you the amount of weight that you are lifting. If you are using heavy weights (weight that is very challenging and difficult to control) then your best option is a traditional bench for the added stability. Though your core will not have to do as much work, you will be burning more calories due to the increased effort in the actual lift.

    Quick Chest and Back Workout
    10 Reps; Do most from a physio-ball

    Chest Flys
    Reverse Flys

    Chest Presses, Underhand
    Narrow Bent Over Rows

    Wide Chest Presses
    Wide Bent over Rows

    Decline Chest Presses (do on ground from bridge position)
    45 Rows

    Calorie burn information
    It is very difficult to estimate the calorie expenditure for a strength training workout because it depends so heavily on how much weight an individual is lifting. With that said, we estimate that this routine can burn anywhere from 4-10 calories per minute, or roughly 32-80 calories total. Remember, while lifting a heavier weight can be great for increasing your calorie burn, you never want to pick a weight that decreases the accuracy of your form or your range of motion.