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Quick and Fearless Kettlebell Cardio Workout - Ultimate Fat Burn Workout for the Entire Body

12 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Kettlebell, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Kettlebell
    • Membership Free


    This workout will make you feel strong, capable, and accomplished in under 12 minutes. I know motivation waivers on some days, and I know that life is demanding and schedules are tight, but if you commit yourself to even just these twelve minutes of sweating you're highly likely to notice a change in your entire mindset. Don't over think it, just jump in and get it done.

    If you don't have access to a kettlebell, you can easily substitute a dumbbell for all of these exercises.

    Each move in this fat burning workout is a demanding, dynamic challenge that weaves in cardio elements to keep your heart rate up and to help you get the most out of this short duration routine.

    Choose a weight that's heavy enough to really challenge your strength, and you're going to be able to burn off a good deal of calories with this routine, as well as wake up muscles that you didn't know you had. Ladies, I know it's been said before but I'll say it again; do not avoid lifting heavy. We don't have the proper hormone levels to "bulk up", and the lean muscle that you will build with routines like this one is going to bump up your metabolism (meaning that you burn more calories, even while resting), and make you feel strong and capable - not to mention the myriad of health benefits that come with strength training, or the fact that it helps create a very attractive physique.

    Workout Structure
    Give the 40 second active intervals your full blown effort - don't hold back, and don't "save" a single ounce of energy. You get a nice long 20 second recovery in between each interval so there's no reason to preserve yourself. Choosing a heavy enough weight is imperative to making this routine effective and burning the most calories.

    10 Intervals
    40 Seconds On, 20 Off
    1 Round

    Kettlebell Cardio Exercises
    Alternating Single Hand Kettlebell Swings
    Crush Curls
    Clean and Press (one full interval on each side of the body)
    Halo Triceps Extensions
    Burpee Jerks
    Weighted Toe Touch Crunches
    Lunge Drops + Rows
    Two Handed Kettlebell Swings

    We haven't included a warm up or cool down in this video, so you're going to want to pick one of each from our collection of videos.

    We've included the amount of weight that I'm lifting for each of the exercises in the top left hand corner of the screen. Remember that this is in no way a suggestion of what you should be lifting, instead it's just to give you a rough idea of where you might want to start. The amount of weight that you lift is going to be specific to your own strengths, and will vary depending on what kind of motion you're doing and what muscle group you're engaging. Aim to choose a weight that makes those last reps (in this case, roughly the last 10-20 seconds of the interval) incredibly hard to complete - without sacrificing proper form.