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Push Yourself Harder - Total Body Training for a Lean Strong Body - Dumbbell or Kettlebell Workout

23 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Kettlebell, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Kettlebell
    • Membership Free


    We love this routine because all of the exercises engage multiple muscle groups and turn otherwise simple exercises into total body moves that burn a good deal of calories. You're working hard enough the whole way through that it turns into a cardiovascular challenge, as well. This one is sure to leave your muscles burning.

    You will need a dumbbell, kettlebell, or any other kind of weight for this routine. Kelli will be doing all of the exercises with a dumbbell, and Daniel will be demonstrating each with a kettlebell.

    You guys often ask about how much weight we're lifting, so in this video we have listed what weight each of us used for each exercise. Keep in mind that these numbers are specific to our own strengths and weaknesses; the amount of weight you should use will depend on yours. Choose a weight that makes it very hard to complete the last few reps of each timed interval in this routine. Ideally, you will have access to a range of weights, in order to adjust the amount you're lifting per muscle group and exercise.

    Workout Structure
    10 Exercises
    45 Second Active Intervals; 15 second rest x 2
    Warm up and cool down not included; we recommend both

    Dumbbell or Kettlebell Exercises

    Alternating Kettlebell Swing - Daniel uses a 30 lb kettlebell, and Kelli uses a 18 lb dumbbell

    Squat Pulses - Kelli: Bodyweight, Daniel: 16 lbs

    Clean & Press - Kelli: 18 lbs, Daniel: 35 lbs

    Lunge Pulses - Both of us use bodyweight only for this exercise, feel free to bump up the difficulty level by holding weights in front of your body (at roughly chest level) or in each hand, by your sides

    Russian Twists - Daniel: 30 lbs, Kelli: 15 lbs

    Deadlift Pulses - Daniel: 40lbs, Kelli: 24 lbs

    Curl & Press - Daniel: 20 lbs, Kelli: 12 lbs

    Toe Touch Crunch - Kelli: 15 lbs, Daniel: 30 lbs

    Bentover Row - Daniel: 25 lbs, Kelli: 9 lbs

    Push Ups - You can do these from your toes and hands, or knees and hands, or any combination of the two.

    Remember to choose a weight specific to your own strength - the numbers that we have provided above are only meant to be a loose guideline, for reference only. Push yourself, but never move to a weight that forces you to sacrifice your form. It is better to lift light, and with perfect form, than it is to lift heavy with lousy form.