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Lower Body Strength & HIIT Workout with Dumbbells, Step, and Resistance Band

47 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Balance/Agility, HIIT, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Exercise Step, Dumbbell, Exercise Band
    • Membership Free


    This workout truly has a little bit of everything—a short HIIT session, strength training, resistance band work, and more. I loved this workout and I hope you will too!

    Here’s the lineup for today’s workout:

    • 8 Minute Resistance Band Strength Workout 
    • 5 Minute Bored Easily Style HIIT 
    • 17 Minutes Pure Strength Workout (using Step & Dumbbells)
    • Warm Up & Cool Down Included 

    Equipment: Optional Dumbbells, Resistance Band, and Step or Stair. You can improvise for any of these things, but please make sure you find safe replacements! 

    Workout Structure: After a quick cardio warm up, we move onto a resistance band workout that gets all of our lower body muscles engaged and ready to work hard. Next, we challenge our lungs and cardio threshold with a fast-paced HIIT workout (with no repeat exercises or intervals). Then, we’ll grab our dumbbells and move through a combination of strength training exercises using a step, and traditional strength exercises. We finish up with a nice cool down and stretch.

    5 Minute Warm Up: 30 Seconds Each (no rest) 
    Jog in Place
    Warrior Step + Ventral Reach
    Forward Fold + Lateral Reach 
    Lateral Steps + Curtsy Runner
    Hip Openers (Alternating) 
    High Knee + Straight Leg Lift (Alternating) 
    Butt Kickers
    Side Lunge + Center Jump
    Reverse Lunges 

    8 Minute Resistance Band Strength: 45 Seconds Active, 15 Seconds Rest
    Squatted Side Steps
    5 Diagonal Tap Backs & Switch
    Banded Squat Jacks or Squat + Outside Tap
    Side, Diagonal, Back, Curtsy Taps (L&R Alternating)
    Static Squat + Alternating Hip Abduction (with band at knees)
    Bridge + Butterfly
    Kneeling Hydrant
    Other Side

    5 Minute Bored Easily HIIT: 20 Seconds Active, 10 Seconds Rest, 1x through per exercise
    Jump Squats
    Side Hop + Calf Raise
    Lateral Jumps
    Switchfoot Runners
    Side Lunge Push Off
    Other Side
    Flutter Kick Squats
    Touchdown Power Skips
    Other Side
    Pulse Jump Squat

    17 Minute Pure Strength: 45 Seconds Active, 15 Seconds Rest
    Up & Over Step (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Single Leg Deadlift: (Right) (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg total)
    Single Leg Deadlift: (Left) (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg total)
    V Step Ups + Knee Hold (I’m using 16/20 lbs or 7.3/9.1 kg per hand)
    Side Step Squats (with opportunity for Single Leg Press Up/Ascent) (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg total)
    Side Step Up (Right only) (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Side Step Up (Left only) (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing (I’m using 24 lbs or 10.9 kg total)

    Water Break

    Front Step (Right only) (I’m using 20 lbs or 9.1 kg per hand)
    Front Step (Left only) (I’m using 20 lbs or 9.1 kg per hand)
    Side Lunges (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg total)
    Deadlift (I’m using 28 lbs or 12.7 kg per hand)
    Front Step Up (Alternating) (I’m using 20 lbs or 9.1 kg per hand)
    Up & Over Step (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Squats (I’m using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Single Leg Bridge Off Step
    Other Side

    8 Minute Cool Down & Stretch - 30 Seconds per Interval
    Toe Touch
    Quadriceps Stretch
    Hip Flexor Stretch
    IT Band Side Stretch
    Walkdown to Kneeling Side Bends
    Deep Glute Stretch
    Leg Extension Pull
    Side Lying Torso Rotations
    Full Body Stretch

    I gave this workout a 4/5 difficulty because it can easily be made very challenging, but also because it involves stepping onto a raised surface. Please, if you have any balance issues (and even if you don’t!), be incredibly careful and mindful of stepping on and off of the raised surface. If you feel yourself start to get too fatigued to reliably maneuver around a step or stair, either take a rest until you feel better able, or modify with exercises that have you with both feet on the ground. 

    Let me know what you think of this workout, and what you would like to see next!