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Lower Body Pilates Workout - Butt and Thigh Workout

33 Min • Lower Body, Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Pilates
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    This pilates routine is a great (roughly) 30 minute routine that is predominantly focused on the legs. If you are new to pilates then you may get some muscle building from this routine but not much. What you will get however is what pilates is a master at, and that is tight toned muscles.

    The slow and methodical nature of pilates is what causes some to shy away from it, due to the effort and muscle burn you tend to endure during a routine. That exact effort and burn however is exactly why this style of exercise is so effective at producing tight toned muscles. By moving slowly and forcing your body to go through a full range of motion slowly without much break you are not only developing an even amount of control throughout that entire range of motion but you are contracting your muscles in a way that tells your body to expect physical activity at any time and expect to have to do it without rest. This seemingly simple action has a huge effect on your body's muscle causing it to stay slightly contracted all the time which causes those areas of your body to firm up not only to the eye but to the touch as well. This is one of the major physiological changes your body shows when you exercise on a regular basis and though most people don’t realise it when they see someone with good muscle tone, there is a subconscious trigger letting them know you are in good shape physically.

    Do each exercise for 40 Seconds with a 10 second break/prep in between. This makes it a fast paced routine but ultimately challenges your muscles more thoroughly. If you are really looking to boost some muscle tone and possibly even get a bit sore the next day the we suggest doing this routine twice through. But feel free to only do it once and couple it with another routine or if you want a lighter day then just do the routine as is.

    - Optional exercise mat (use a thick mat for pilates not a yoga mat)

    Warm Up/Cooldown:
    - Warm Up is not Included
    - Cooldown is included

    - Standing toe touch roll downs
    - Front Leg Raise and Reach (L)
    - Front Leg Raise and Reach (R)
    - Standing Side Leg Raise and Crunch (L)
    - Standing Side Leg Raise and Crunch (R)
    - Walk Downs
    - Heel Taps
    - Prone Leg Raises
    - Prone Leg Curl
    - Imprint
    - Leg Circles Small (L)
    - Leg Circles Small (R)
    - Single Leg Pulse
    - Double Leg Pulse

    Water Break

    - Side Leg Openers (L)
    - Side Leg Raise (L) Toe Down
    - Side Leg Raise (L) Toe Forward
    - Side Leg Raise (L) Toe Up
    - Side Leg Openers (R)
    - Side Leg Raise (R) Toe Down
    - Side Leg Raise (R) Toe Forward
    - Side Leg Raise (R) Toe Up
    - Kneeling Rear Leg Raise (L)
    - Kneeling Rear Bent Leg Raise (L)
    - Kneeling Rear Leg Pulse (L)
    - Kneeling Rear Leg Raise (R)
    - Kneeling Rear Bent Leg Raise (R)
    - Kneeling Rear Leg Pulse (R)
    - Bridge
    - Bridge (L)
    - Bridge (R)

    Cool Down Stretch:
    - Free style

    This routine burns anywhere from 3.6 to 6 calories per minute giving you a total calorie burn of 127 on the low end to 197 on the high end.