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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Fitness Blender's Free 5-Day Workout Challenge: Strong and Lean, Day 5

55 Min • Lower Body, Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Day 5: Fat Burning HIIT Cardio and Lower Body Strength 

    Supersets of lower body exercises combined with fat burning high intensity interval training make for an effective, intense, and sweaty workout. Grab your weights, choose your difficulty level, and get ready to push yourself.

    This is Day 5! If you're reading this after finishing all five days, we really want you to take a minute to be proud of yourself. What you've just done takes a lot of effort and follow through, and this very well could be the start of a new healthy habit for yourself, if you just keep moving. Just like you stuck with this challenge, one day at a time, you can keep moving forward with your workout habit, one day at a time. Remember, we have over 500 free full length workout videos here on our website, and we've also got workout programs for all kinds of different fitness levels and goals. Whatever you do and however you do it, keep this healthy habit going!

    How many times can I repeat these challenges?
    We recommend doing these challenges for up to 2-3 weeks in a row before you switch up your routine again. If you want a workout program that lays out what you're doing every day for 4-8 weeks with no repeat workouts, full of daily guidance on how to make eating well and exercise a natural lifestyle instead of a struggle, be sure to check out our workout programs  - our 8 Week FBfit Program to Lose Weight, Build Lean Muscle & Tone Up most closely resembles this 5 Day Challenge.

    If you've enjoyed this challenge and want more like it, let us know & please share with friends & family!

    Make sure to Subscribe to Fitness Blender on YouTube so that you get alerts for new workouts. You can also use #fitnessblender on social media to find support & connect to others who are doing this challenge (FB's InstagramKelli's InstagramGoogle+TwitterFacebook

    Workout Structure:
    - HIIT Cardio Workout
    - Lower Body Strength

    - Dumbbells (optional)
    - Exercise Mat (optional)

    Warm Up and Cooldown:
    - Both Included

    Warm Up: (5 Minutes)
    - Side Step Arm Cross
    - Roll Down Toe Touch
    - High Knee + Cross Crunch
    - Side Lunge with Overhead Reach
    - Lunge + Ventral Raise
    - Push Pull Squats
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Up and Outs
    - Butt Kickers
    - Jumping Jacks

    HIIT Cardio Workout: (18 Minutes) 20 On, 10 Off; AB,AB Pattern; 3 Sets per Group
    - Lunge Power Skip
    - Plank Jack

    - Double Thigh Slap Jump Burpee
    - Jumping Jack

    - Walk Down Push Up
    - Switch Foot Runners

    Water Break

    - Curtsy Jump Lunge
    - Mt. Climbers

    - Squat Lunge
    - Squat Circle Knee

    - Jumping Lunge to Sumo
    - High Knee Drops

    Water Break (10 Seconds)

    Lower Body Strength: (20 Minutes), Timed Interval Sets 45 on, 15 off; 2 Sets Each Group
    - Single Leg Dead Lift (L&R)
    - Sumo Squat

    - Deadlift (toes in)
    - Clean and Press 

    - Deadlift (toes out)
    - Reverse Lunge + Knee

    - Deadlift (regular)
    - Pulse Squat

    - Hip Raises (L&R)
    - Calf Raises

    Cooldown: (5 Minutes)
    - Freeform

    Free 5 Day Challenge 2016:
    - Day 1 (HIIT, and Lower Body)
    - Day 2 (Cardio, and Upper Body)
    - Day 3 (HIIT, Core, and Pilates Burnout)
    - Day 4 (Cardio, Upper Body, and Yoga)
    - Day 5 (HIIT and Lower Body) Current Page

    Other Free 5 Day Challenges

    Thank you for working out with us & congrats again on finishing this challenge!

    Kelli & Daniel