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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Fat Burning Low Impact Cardio Workout at Home - Recovery Cardio Training

9 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    You don't necessarily have to go through a joint jarring workout in order to get in a good sweat or burn a good deal of calories. This no equipment low impact workout is a good example of a routine that definitely gets your heart rate up without any bouncing around. For that reason, this could also double as a quiet cardio workout; an apartment workout that you can do without a lot of noise that might bother roommates or the people that live below you.

    This routine, while beginner friendly and easy on the joints, is a relatively good fat burner and if you focus on working against yourself and keeping those muscles tight the whole time, you will get in a good workout. You can definitely get in a good sweat and a decent calorie burn with this routine if you tune into your workout to get the most from it.

    Routine Structure
    9 Low Impact Exercises
    50 Seconds Each
    No rest; fast transitions
    1 Round

    Printable Routine - Low Impact Exercises
    High Knees + Pushes
    Quiet Burpees
    Side Lunge + Rotations (both sides)
    4 Torso Twists + Squats
    3 Low Lateral Steps + Curtsy Lunges
    Standing Crisscross Crunch + Squats
    Squats + Pulls
    Lunges + 4 Rotations

    This is one of those workouts that can be as hard or as easy as you like, just by tweaking a few variables.

    Ways to make this workout harder:
    -Hold onto hand weights throughout all of the movements
    -Move faster than we show in the video
    -Focus on pulling in your core throughout the full length of the video
    -Keep all of your muscles tight
    -Work "against" yourself

    Ways to make it easier:
    -Do all of the repetitions slower than we show in the video
    -Stand next to a chair or or wall so that you can get a little assistance if you need to while doing some of the moves that require a good baseline of balance
    -Take longer breaks; hit pause in between each of the active intervals if you need more rest than we allow in this fast paced video.

    Calorie Burn
    We estimate that this low impact cardio workout burns 5-8 calories per minute. Because it is so short, you will be able to get faster/better results if you either do it several times throughout the day, or if you combine it with some of our longer full length workout videos.

    How should I use this video? What other routines can I pair it with?
    This is a great recovery cardio workout video - you can easily do it on the days where you want to get your heart rate up and burn off some extra calories but you are very sore from an intense workout from the previous day. You can do it several times in one day for multiple metabolism boosts. You could also pair it with any of our strength training workout videos - it's light enough that along with a few minutes of marching in place, it could easily be used as a warm up for a more demanding high intensity interval training program.