If you're on the fence about working out today, take 30 seconds right now to think about how good you feel once your workout is finished.
Think of that accomplished feeling of being both tired (in the most satisfying way possible) and energized all at once. Think about how much better you can focus after a workout, how much less stressed you feel once you’ve earned a good sweat. The amount of time you can spend thinking about whether or not you’re going to workout, or which workout you might do…Let’s just say that those minutes add up quickly and before you know it, you could have actually gotten a workout finished in the amount of time you spent debating. I know this happens, I fall into this trap all the time - it's the reason I often follow our own programs (I'm doing 8 Week FB30 right now). Don’t overthink it; jump right in.
Put on some comfortable clothes, turn on some music that motivates you and get ready to sweat.
This fat burning cardio routine is going to have you huffing and puffing and anxiously awaiting your water breaks. It very heavily calls upon the butt and thigh muscles, though core and upper body muscles also pitch in to get the work done. Try to push yourself all the way through, in order to get the most out of this routine.
Depending on which variations you choose to follow along with, you can make this a brutal cardio workout or lower body bootcamp, or, you can stick to the easier versions and use this as a sort of recovery workout in between tougher workouts. You get to decide exactly how to use this workout, and the best way to make that decision is going to be listening to feedback from you own body.
The exercises in this routine are relatively intense, and the intervals are longer than you’ll find in a typical high intensity interval training workout; 40 seconds, opposed to 20 seconds. Do the hardest version of each exercise, for as long as you can, then switch to the low impact/easier modification. If you ever get to the point where you just can’t do another rep - or your form starts to suffer - stop and do a light boxer shuffle or jog in place until you feel like you’ve caught your breath again.
No matter where you’re starting, if you keep at it, you’re going to find encouragement when you realize that you are able to go longer and longer without a break, or that you’re needing shorter breaks each time due to faster recovery.
Workout Structure:
We'll be going through an interval of 40 seconds of activity with 15 seconds of rest. Every interval you will switch between two motions in an AB, AB format. Warm up cardio is included; cool down is not (a suggested video provided below if you’re not going on to another workout).
If you need low impact, or, if you are sore from a previous workout, I've provided more beginner friendly, low impact modifications throughout. The best way to go about choosing your intensity is to aim to push yourself, while listening to your body.
Warm Up Cardio
Boxer Shuffle
Step Back Stretch
Butt Kicker Arm Swings
Standing Jackknife
Deadlift Fly
Side Lunge Toe Touch
Kick, Toe Tap, Kick
Butt Kickers
Split Jumps
At Home Cardio Workout
(~4 minutes each group)
Kickup + Side Squat
Jumping Jack Kicks
Up and Over Squat Jumps
Side Plank Kicks
Side Lunge Inside Toe Tap (plyo push off)
2 Kickboxing Knees + Lunge & Switch
2 Split Jump Lunges + Squat Drop
2 High Kick (1 side) + Jump Up Hard
5 Mt Climbers + Plank Jack
Pop Squat Ankle Crossover
Suggested: Cool down and stretch (never skip your cool down!)
Did you guys listen to music while you worked out today? What did you listen to?