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Endurance Cardio AMRAPs All-Standing 30-Minute Bodyweight Routine

28 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Focus & Benefits: We’ve got a short and sweet bodyweight cardio workout for you today with a fun AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) format. AMRAP-style workouts are frequently used with strength training, but can also be effective for improving cardiovascular endurance — the goal of today’s workout. Throughout our 3-minute working blocks you’ll have the ability to work at your own pace, resting as much or as little as you need. Exercises are a blend of high and low-impact, with modifications offered throughout. If you’re ready for a scalable, no-equipment cardio workout in 30 minutes or less, press play!

    Equipment: None.

    Tips & Helpful Information: If you’re not familiar with an AMRAP format, let me explain how this works in this particular workout. We’ll complete 4 different AMRAP blocks, each 3 minutes long with 3 exercises. For each exercise within the block, there is a designated number of repetitions to complete before moving to the next exercise. Continuously work your way through the list for as many rounds as possible, resting when/if needed. The beauty of this workout style is that it’s both efficient and adaptable. You choose your pace, intensity, and amount of rest.

    Keep in mind, this is not a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout. Instead of short bursts of maximal output, we’re aiming for longer duration with moderate-intensity output. This allows us to hold an elevated heart rate for longer periods, thus resulting in greater cardiovascular endurance. This is great cross training for endurance athletes, or can make a great steady-state cardio day in between strength workouts.

    Difficulty & Modifications Explained: This workout is rated a level 3 of 5 difficulty because the format and exercise selections cater to multiple different fitness levels. There are many ways to modify to make this routine completely low-impact; on the flip side, there are many ways to add progressions and intensity to move this more into the level 4 category.

    Closing Note: 3-minute working blocks of cardio may sound long and intimidating if you’re not used to them but, I assure you, you can do this. Try something new today, test your boundaries. You might surprise yourself and have fun, while building that confidence! 

    Did you like doing the AMRAP format with cardio? Let me know in the comments!


    Warmup (4:00) — 30 sec each
    Hip In and Outs
    Torso Rotation
    Overhead Cross Reach
    Hamstring Curl + Row
    Heel Scoops, alt.
    Squat to Single Leg Balance
    Boxer Shuffle “Jump Rope”
    Jumping Jacks

    Workout (16:00) — 4 AMRAP Rounds of 3 minutes each, 1 minute rest between each full AMRAP circuit.

    AMRAP 1 (3:00)
    Lateral Shuffle (8)
    Squat Takeoffs (8)
    Scissor Jumps (8)

    AMRAP 2 (3:00)
    Jump Rope/Mini Jumps (16)
    Sumo Floor to Ceiling Reach (8)
    Rev. Lunge + Knee Drive (8 total / 4 each side)


    AMRAP 3 (3:00)
    Skater (10 total)
    Front to Back Runner (10 total / 5 each side)
    Overhead Jacks (10 total, alt.)

    AMRAP 4 (3:00)
    Alt. Front Kick (8 total / 4 each side)
    Drop Squat (8)
    Lateral High Knees (8 total)


    Cooldown (4:00) — 30 Sec Each
    Standing Calf Stretch - R
    Standing SL Hamstring Stretch - L
    Standing Calf Stretch - L
    Standing Hamstring Stretch - R
    Quad Stretch - R
    Quad Stretch - L
    Sumo Squat Stretch
    Straight Leg Stretch W/ Twist