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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Cardio Kickboxing and Lower Body Strength Workout

50 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Strength Training, Kickboxing
    • Equipment Dumbbell, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    This is another fun and tiring cardio kickboxing workout with a little extra torture for the legs. Most people have a bit of a love-hate relationship with cardio kickboxing workouts, but that does not make them any less impressive at burning calories or toning up muscle tissue. We wanted to add an extra calorie burn to this cardiovascular workout so we decided to add a couple short bouts of strength training for the lower body just to make sure you get a good full body workout.

    In this routine we have broken up the workout slightly with two independent groups of cardio kickboxing to get your heart pumping as well as two groups of lower body strength training exercises to make sure we hit as much of the body as possible. To keep us moving we have designed each group based on timed intervals. The kickboxing sections are set to our favorite cardio intervals of 20 seconds of activity and 10 seconds of rest. The strength section will be running longer intervals of 45 seconds on and 15 seconds to make sure you can get the most strength gain out of each set.

    As with any cardio kickboxing routine, be sure that you are pushing yourself and not just going through the motions. The number of calories you burn and the amount of physical, cardiovascular, and pulmonary benefit you get from this form of exercise is directly related to your own level of effort, so the harder you push yourself the more calories you will burn.

    Workout Structure:
    - 4 Groups Total
    - 2 Cardio Kickboxing
    - 2 Lower Body Strength
    - Interval Timed, in AB, AB Format

    - Dumbbells (optional)

    Warm Up / Cooldown:
    - Both Included


    Warm up: (5 min; 30sec each)
    - Slow Buttkickers w/ Arm Cross Swing
    - High Knee March w/ Torso Rotation
    - Squat Push Pull
    - Side Lunge Toe Touch
    - Arm Circles
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Up and Outs
    - Jumping Jacks
    - Butt Kickers
    - Squat Pops

    Workout: (35 min; 2 Groups Each of Cardio Kickboxing  and  Lower Body Strength)

    Kickboxing Group 1 (20 On, 10 Off; AB, AB)
    - Jab x2, Cross (L)
    - Jab x2, Cross (R)

    - Hook x2, Knee x2 (L)
    - Hook x2, Knee x2 (R)

    - Uppercut x2, Jab, Cross (L)
    - Uppercut x2, Jab, Cross (R)

    - Duck, Jab x2, Cross (L)
    - Duck, Jab x2, Cross (R)

    - Knee x2, Jab, Cross, Hook x2 (L)
    - Knee x2, Jab, Cross, Hook x2 (L)

    Lower Strength Group 1 (45 On, 15 Off; AB, AB)
    - Rotational Lunge
    - Side Lunge

    - Squat Press
    - Single Leg Deadlift

    Kickboxing Group 2 (20 On, 10 Off; AB, AB)
    - Duck x2, Jab, Cross, Uppercut x2 (L)
    - Duck x2, Jab, Cross, Uppercut x2 (R)

    - Shin Block, Jab, Cross, Shin Block (L)
    - Shin Block, Jab, Cross, Shin Block (R)

    - Jab, Cross, Hook x2, Knee x2 (L)
    - Jab, Cross, Hook x2, Knee x2 (R)

    - Jab x2, Duck, Uppercut x2 (L)
    - Jab x2, Duck, Uppercut x2 (L)

    - Shin Block, Knee x2, Hook, Uppercut (L)
    - Shin Block, Knee x2, Hook, Uppercut (R)

    Lower Strength Group 1 (45 On, 15 Off; AB, AB)
    - Ski Squat
    - SIngle Leg Hip Raise (L)

    - Sumo Squat
    - Single Leg Hip Raise (R)

    Cooldown: (5 minutes; 30 sec each)
    - Toe Touch
    - Inside Thigh Stretch (L)
    - Inside Thigh Stretch (R)
    - Quad Stretch (L)
    - Quad Stretch (R)
    - Arm Cross (L)
    - Arm Cross (R)
    - Overhead Tricep Stretch (L)
    - Overhead Tricep Stretch (R)
    - Downward Dog to Cobra

    What did you think of this strength and kickboxing combination?