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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

37 Minute HIIT Cardio and Core Workout - Total Body HIIT and Abs Workout

37 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    If you like HIIT, and why wouldn't you, then you will love this 37 minute HIIT and Core workout. We have put together a nice combination of exercises that will be sure to leave you sweaty and out of breath.

    We thought we would change the feel up a bit by running straight through each exercise consecutively rather than alternating back and forth between a couple of moves. In this video we have broken down the HIIT section into two groups of 6 exercises and we will be running through them one after the other until we have done each for 20 seconds (with a 10 second rest in between). Once we are done with one set of each we immediately start the list over again with no extra rest. Once two sets of each have been completed, we take a short break to get ready for group two. The second group will be done just like the first, we just have 6 new and more challenging exercises to run through.

    Once done with all the rounds of bodyweight HIIT we will move on to the core workout, where we challenge all of the major muscles that control trunk mobility. Each of the 5 exercises in this group will be done for 45 seconds with a 15 second break to set up for the next exercise. Just like with the HIIT section we will run through the list in succession before starting back through for a second set of each. Though all of these exercises are done with only body weight, feel free to add some weight if you need more of a challenge. Just remember that even a small amount of weight 2-5lbs can have a huge effect on the difficulty of the movement.

    As always let us know what you thought of this workout and what workouts/exercises you may want to see in future videos.

    Workout Structure

    • 2 Groups of 6 HIIT Exercises
    • 20 Sec On, 10 Sec Off Twice Through
    • 1 Group of 5 Core Exercises
    • 45 Sec On, 15 Sec Off Twice Through


    • None

    Warm Up / Cooldown

    • Both Included


    Warm Up: (5 Min Total; 30 Sec Each)
    - Slow Butt Kicker Arm Cross
    - High Knee March Ventral Raise
    - Standing Crisscross Crunches
    - Torso Circles
    - Toe Touch Circles
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Up and Out Hops
    - Fly Jacks
    - Squats
    - Lateral Jumps

    HIIT Tabata Workout: (6 Min Per Group: 20 Seconds On, 10 Sec Off, Done Straight Through Twice per Group)
    Group 1
    - Butt Kickers
    - Static Runners L
    - Static Runners R
    - Jumping Lunges
    - Plank Walk Downs
    - Power Skips

    Group 2
    - High Knees
    - Traveling Mt. Climbers (quick feet moving from center to left, center to right)
    - Quick Feet (narrow and wide quick taps in squat)
    - Pop Squats
    - Plyometric Push Ups
    - Star Jumps

    Core Workout (10 Min Total; 45 Sec On, 15 Sec Rest, Done Twice Through)
    - Jackknife Crunches
    - Back Bows Cross Crunch
    - Side Crunch L
    - Side Crunch R
    - Russian Twists

    Cool Down (5 Min Total; 30 Sec Each)
    - Toe Touch
    - Quadriceps Stretch L
    - Quadriceps Stretch R
    - Inside Thigh Stretch L
    - Inside Thigh Stretch R
    - Seated Torso Rotation Stretch L
    - Seated Torso Rotation Stretch R
    - Seated Butterfly
    - Deep Glute Stretch L
    - Deep Glute Stretch R