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NEW 10-Day Challenge Trainer Series Out Now: Barre and Build with Erica

3-Round Whole Body Burn Strength Intervals with a Cardio Bookend

32 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Strength Training
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Mat
    • Membership Free


    This is a short and efficient total body strength workout that will naturally start to feel like cardio, especially with the 30-second cardio bookend to each round. We complete 5 strength-based intervals followed by one shorter cardio interval and will make our way through that 3 times. 

    Equipment: Range of medium to heavy dumbbells (I’m using 9, 15, and 18 lbs) and a mat.

    Being that we will complete each exercise 3 times, this routine makes for a great opportunity to practice mental toughness! We see common movement patterns and cover major muscle groups so it’s a great way to buckle down and refine your form and mind-to-muscle connection. You’ll see me switching out my weights for each interval and, with 20 seconds of rest between each, there should be plenty of time to do so if needed. 

    Difficulty & Modifications Explained: This workout is rated a level 3 due to the exercises being highly scalable. Your choice of weights and whether or not you utilize the modifications shared will greatly influence the level of difficulty.

    Can you use the same weights in round 3 as you started with in round 1?! That’s my added challenge to you in this short and sweet workout. 


    Warm-Up: 8 exercises, 40 seconds each (5.3 minutes)
    Doggies (One Side)
    Doggies (Other Side)
    Alt Lever + Toe Touch Crunch
    Push Up Lower + Cobra Rocks
    Alt Runners Lunge
    Forward Fold + Upright Row
    Step Out Squat
    Alt Hook Punches

    Workout: 5 strength exercises for 45 seconds active / 20 seconds rest, 1 cardio exercise for 30 seconds active x3 rounds total (about 19 minutes)
    RDL + Upright Row (2 x 18 lbs)
    Step Out Squat + Hammer Curl (2 x 15 lbs)
    Chest Press + Alt Toe Touch Crunch/Lever (2 x 18 lbs)
    Alt Runners Lunge + Close Row (2 x 9 lbs)
    Doggie Extensions (Switch Halfway)
    Alt Hook Punches + Elevator Squat

    **Water Break after Round 2 & before Cool Down**

    Cool Down: 8 exercises, 40 seconds each (5.3 minutes)
    Seated Forward Fold
    Upper Body Opener
    Supine Twist (Switch Halfway)
    Downward Dog from Elbows
    Low Runner's Lunge (One Side)
    Low Runner's Lunge (Other Side)
    Pigeon (One Side)
    Pigeon (Other Side)

    Pounds to Kilograms
    lbs = kg
    3 = 1.3
    5 = 2.2
    6 = 2.7
    9 = 4.1
    10 = 4.5
    12 = 5.4
    15 = 6.8
    18 = 8.1
    20 = 9
    21 = 9.5
    24 = 10.8
    25 = 11.3
    30 = 13.6