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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

2 Week Challenge Day 4: Total Body Strength Workout No-Repeats Lower Body, Upper Body, and Core

34 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Hey, Fitness Blender Family! 

    Welcome to Day 4 of Fitness Blender’s Free 2 Week Challenge!

    This no-repeat style workout will hit the lower body, upper body, and core. Today's goal is to hit these body parts with different exercises in each set. You might notice some familiar exercises or variations of the same exercises from your other workouts with the other Fitness Blender trainers. I love mixing variations to keep things interesting and challenge your muscles in new ways.

    Now, let's talk weights. If you consider yourself experienced, I want you to reach for your heavy weights for this workout to challenge yourself. But if you're starting a new workout journey, no worries. Grab those medium and light dumbbells – we're all about progression here. The key is to find a weight that challenges you but still allows for proper form. Safety first, strength second!

    Why the focus on strength, you ask? For our beginners, building strength is like unlocking a whole new level. It's not just about looking and feeling great; it's about functional strength that makes everyday activities easier. Lifting those grocery bags, climbing stairs, and playing with your dog becomes more manageable when your muscles are engaged.

    Strength training is a game-changer for your metabolism, too. That means you'll be burning calories long after you've left the gym. Who doesn't want to burn calories hours after they finish their workout? Let's remember the confidence boost that comes with getting stronger. Seeing yourself lift heavier weights week after week is a serious mood lifter.

    In the first part of this workout, we'll do exercises focusing on our body's lower muscles. We'll start with Goblet Squats, giving our quads and glutes some work. After that, we'll do Suitcase Deadlifts, Alternating Forward Lunges, and Loaded Glute Bridges. These exercises focus on quads, glutes, and hamstrings, giving us a well-rounded lower body section. 

    Next, we'll move on to exercises that work on the upper body. We'll begin with Floor Chest Presses, which help our chest and arm muscles. Then, we'll try Yates Rows, a unique exercise incorporating bicep work into our row. After that, we'll do Shoulder Presses and Hammer Curls to ensure we exercise all major upper body muscles.

    Finally, we'll focus on exercises for our core and abs. We'll do Deadbugs, Planks, and Heel Taps to strengthen our core. A solid core is important for helping us do everyday activities easily.

    After our water break, we will start with Set 2, working in the same format as our first sets. But for the second set, let's keep things interesting by focusing on different exercises.

    Starting with the lower body, we'll try Front Squats, a variation that challenges our core and emphasizes our quads. We will follow up with Alternating Reverse Lunges and Straight Leg Deadlifts, again hitting the quads and hamstrings. We'll finish with Alternating Single-Leg Glute Bridges to target our glutes with some single-leg work, making them stronger.

    Moving on to the upper body, we have Alt DB Presses, Alt Tabletop Rows, Arnold Presses, and Db Tricep Extensions. Again, we will be targeting our chest, back, shoulders, and triceps with this set. Before moving to our final water break, we'll end with one more ab and core set with Overhead Sit-Ups/Crunches, Leg Lifts, and Side Planks.

    Now, let's cool down with a 4-minute round of stretches, each lasting 30 seconds. First, do the Alt Side Stretch to work your torso and sides. Follow with the Quad Stretch for the front of your thighs, then move to the Hip Flexor to Hamstring stretch to release tension in both legs. Gently tilt your head for the Neck Stretch on both sides. Finally, relax in the soothing Child's Pose, stretching your back and shoulders. The cooldown is crucial for flexibility, reducing muscle soreness, and is very necessary for building strength.

    Today offers a well-rounded workout targeting the lower and upper body and the core, whether you're lifting heavy weights or starting light. So, team, grab those dumbbells and get to work! 


    Workout Structure

    • Dumbbells (Light, Medium)
    • Mat (Optional)

    Warm Up
    2 Rounds 30 seconds each ( 5 mins)

    • Arm circles (big and small)
    • Squat to knee hug
    • Alt T spine rotation
    • Front Kicks
    • Jumping Jacks

    Strength Rounds
    1 Round 40 seconds on 20 seconds off each (22 mins)

    ** Beginners should use medium and light Dumbbells**

    Set 1 - Lower Focus
    • Goblet Squats 
    ​​​​​​​• Suitcase Deadlift
    ​​​​​​​• Alternating Fwd Lunges
    ​​​​​​​• Loaded Glute Bridges

    Set 1 Upper Focus
    ​​​​​​​• (Floor) Chest Press
    ​​​​​​​• Yates Rows 
    ​​​​​​​• Shoulder Press (neutral grip) 
    ​​​​​​​• Hammer Curls

    Set 1 Core focus
    ​​​​​​​• Deadbugs
    ​​​​​​​• Plank
    ​​​​​​​• Heel Taps

    ** Water Break**

    Set 2 Lower body Focus
    ​​​​​​​• Front Squats 
    ​​​​​​​• Alternating Reverse Lunges
    ​​​​​​​• Straight Leg DL 
    ​​​​​​​• Alt SL Glute Bridge

    Set 2 Upper Body Focus
    ​​​​​​​• Alt DB Press
    ​​​​​​​• Alt Tabletop Row
    ​​​​​​​• Arnold Press
    ​​​​​​​• Db Tricep Ext (supine)

    Set 2 Core Focused
    ​​​​​​​• Overhead Sit Up / Crunch 
    ​​​​​​​• Leg lifts 
    ​​​​​​​• Side Planks / 20 sec per side

    ** Water Break**

    Cooldown 1 round 30 seconds (4 mins)
    ​​​​​​​• Alt Side Strech
    ​​​​​​​• Neck Stretch L/R
    ​​​​​​​• Hip Flexor to Hamstring L/R 
    ​​​​​​​• Quad Stretch L/R
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​• Child’s Pose