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NEW 10-Day Challenge Trainer Series Out Now: Barre and Build with Erica

2 Week Challenge Day 3: Low Impact Cardio Workout with Mobility Exercises Bodyweight Active Recovery Circuits

32 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Mobility, Stretching/Flexibility
    • Equipment No Equipment, Mat
    • Membership Free


    Welcome to Day 3 of Fitness Blender’s Free 2 Week Challenge!

    If you’re on the lookout for a moderate-intensity workout that will leave you feeling better than you started, you’re in the right place! This routine combines low-impact cardio moves with mobility intermissions to both elevate your heart rate and mobilize your joints from a warmed-up place. This is an active recovery workout that can be tailored to many fitness levels with various modifications and progressions offered throughout. While this is a level 2 workout, don’t shy away if you’re looking for a little something more. I selected the exercises based on their ability to scale up or down. As always, simple adjustments make all the difference in your perceived exertion.

    Workout Snapshot:
    • 2 Low-impact Cardio Segments — 10 minutes each
    • 2 Mobility Segments — 3-5 minutes each
    • Modifications and progressions offered
    • 2 Water breaks included
    • Equipment: Bodyweight only with optional mat for floor exercises

    There is no official warm-up as we’ll be diving right into some gentle cardio as an appropriate starting place. You’re also welcome to add an extended warm-up if you’d like. Our 2 low-impact cardio segments are mentally to gently increase your heart rate and incorporate many muscle groups without having to leave the ground. Each circuit is 10 minutes in length and contains 5 exercises completed for 2 rounds of 50 seconds on / 10 seconds off. We’ll be moving in many different planes of motion with modifications and progressions offered to fit your needs!

    Within this workout are two mobility sections. The first is 3 minutes in length and comes right after you’ve been warmed up from the first cardio segment, making your muscles warm and ready for mobility work. The second mobility segment is 5 minutes long and serves as a lengthier cooldown targeting the total body and leaving you with a revitalized feeling.

    A note on modifications/progressions: As a rule of thumb, you can progress any of these exercises by increasing your speed, adding light hand weights where possible, or performing a high-impact version of the move. Likewise, modify by slowing down the movement and/or reducing range of motion.

    I have no doubt you’ll leave this workout feeling fresh and energized in your body. Get ready to show your heart and muscles some love and be sure to thank yourself for showing up!

    Which mobility exercise did you need most today? Let me know how you feel in the comments below!


    Cardio Segment 1 (10:00) — 5 Exercises, 2 rounds, 50 sec on / 10 sec off
    March in Place
    Butt Kicker + Row
    High Reach + Stepback + Tapdown, alternating
    Wide Squat + Opposite Toe Reach, alternating
    Reverse Lunge Chop, alternating


    Mobility Intermission (3:00) — 4 Exercises; 45 sec each, back to back

    HS Stretch + Deep Squat Rocks
    Down Dog + Spider Lunge, alternating
    Quadruped Thoracic Rotation + Kneeling Shoulder Stretch (last 10 sec) - R
    Quadruped Thoracic Rotation + Kneeling Shoulder Stretch (last 10 sec) - L

    Cardio Segment 2 (10:00) — 5 Exercises, 2 rounds, 50 sec on / 10 sec off
    Side Lunge to Single Leg Balance, switch halfway
    Lateral Shuffle with Curtsy Tapdown
    3-Way Jabs, alternating
    Skiier Swing + Calf Raise
    Low-Impact Star Jacks


    Mobility Cooldown (~5:00) — 40 sec each

    Hip Flexor + Hamstring Stretch - R
    Hip Flexor + Hamstring Stretch - R
    Adductor Rockback + Side Reach - R
    Adductor Rockback + Side Reach - R
    90/90 Stretch with Forward Lean
    Torso Rotation + Open Book - R
    Torso Rotation + Open Book - L