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1000 Calorie Workout Video: 94 Minute Insane Bodyweight Workout Challenge - Attempt at Your Own Risk

94 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Just like the title implies, this is a seriously brutal workout. The length alone makes it a challenge, but the difficulty of the exercises and extensive HIIT cardio - as well as the kickboxing, abs and obliques workout, and the burnout rounds of both upper and lower body routines - make this an extremely intense workout. It's best to realize the "attempt at your own risk" warning is a real precaution and not just a marketing ploy; this routine is tough.

    In the entire hour and 34 minutes of this workout, you're not going to need a single piece of equipment. If you've ever doubted whether or not you can push your limits with just bodyweight exercises, this routine will fix that for you. Because this is a completely equipment free at home workout, this is the first 1000 calorie workout video that we've done that doesn't include traditional strength training.

    We suggest throwing on some comfortable workout clothes, and turning on your favorite music while you take a shot at this video.

    Workout Structure:
    A long duration, highly challenging mash up 1000 calorie workout video that uses purely bodyweight exercises to burn fat and up to 1125 calories total.

    Training types found in this 1000 calorie workout
    In just this one video, you're going to find elements of high intensity interval training, bodyweight strength training, plyometrics, functional training, Pilates, kickboxing, yoga, and toning/strength workouts for each of the major muscle groups; abs, butt and thighs, and upper body. This is truly a mash up of so many different training types, which is part of what keeps things fresh and interesting over such a long workout video. It's also what makes the workout so effective.

    Do Fitness Blender's 1000 Calorie Workout videos really burn 1000 calories?
    Each time we give a "Calorie Burn" estimate, we provide two numbers. We give a calorie burn range because of the many variables that go into determining an individual's actual calorie burn. Bodyweight, gender, existing fitness level, effort put forth, training type, workout length and difficulty, height, age, and all kinds of other factors influence caloric expenditure. Some people will burn fewer than 1000 calories doing this workout, and other people may even burn over the top end estimate of 1125. Watch: How does Fitness Blender calculate calories burned?

    How can I make it through this workout?
    Go at your own pace, take extra breaks, and take a snack break in the middle (something high in carbohydrate and easy to digest) if you need to.

    I only made it through __ minutes of this workout. Is that bad?
    Any effort put towards exercising is commendable. You can always do bits of this workout and try to press yourself a little further into it each time, but you should never feel ashamed or bummed if you can't make it very far through a tough workout like this one. If this routine is so hard that you have trouble getting past minutes 10-15, you may want to consider choosing one of our easier workouts, and working your way back up to this one.

    On a side note - when you do this workout you will not need a second workout. The length of this workout routine is about as long as a person should workout in one session. Any longer than this and you're likely not going to have any fuel left to push yourself, and you're looking at potentially ending up doing more harm than good.

    How often can I do this workout?
    You're likely going to find that you are very sore the 2-3 days following this workout. Your body needs rest after workouts like this one. In order to avoid overtraining, we recommend not doing this routine anymore than a maximum three times a week, but ideally you will do this 1-2 times a week and use our other varied workout videos in order to make sure that you've got a well rounded routine. If you need in-depth help designing a routine, our Meal Plans and Fat Loss Programs might be the detailed guidance that you need to put together an effective plan.

    Once your workout is complete, drink lots of water, eat well to replenish your body, and come back and workout with us tomorrow.

    Try our other 1000 Calorie Workout Videos:

    Did you finish this workout? Do you think it's deserving of the 5/5 difficulty rating? Want more 1000 Calorie Workout Videos? Let us know!