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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

1000 Calorie Workout - HIIT Cardio, Strength, Kickboxing and Abs Workout to Burn 1000 Calories

64 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Strength Training, Toning, Kickboxing
    • Equipment Dumbbell, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Daniel has finally tackled one of our 1000 Calorie Workout videos! He's put together a dynamic, fast paced routine that utilizes such diverse training styles that there's absolutely no way for you to get bored during this routine.

    High intensity interval training (HIIT), strength training, cardio kickboxing, and abs are the focus of this routine, and both your warm up and cool down are included as well.

    All you're going to need for this routine is a set of dumbbells or resistance bands (for the strength portion). A bench, table, or physioball is helpful but as you've seen in many of our other videos, you can always improvise or even go up into a Bridge position on the floor in order to create the leverage that you need in order to do some of these exercises (i.e. the Chest Press or Dumbbell Pullovers).

    1000 Calorie Workout Structure
    5 Minute Cardio Warm Up
    16 Minute HIIT Cardio
    13 Minute Upper Body Strength Training
    10 Minute Cardio Kickboxing
    12 Minute Core and Cardio
    5 Minute Cool Down and Stretch
    Common Questions

    Does this workout really burn 1000 calories?
    There's a very good reason why we give a wide range in our calorie estimates; everyone burns calories at a different rate depending on many different factors that are specific to each individual, including but not necessarily limited to bodyweight, gender, muscle mass, effort put forth, the amount of weight that you choose to lift during the strength portion, the number of extra rests you take, and existing fitness level.

    We give you an expenditure estimate for each one of our workout videos in the interest of informing you, in putting the calories that you eat into perspective - with that said, exercise and fitness is definitely not all about the number of calories you're burning. It's also about the dedication it takes to commit to a workout session, the muscles that you're strengthening, your heart that's becoming more proficient at it's job of pushing blood around your body, the things that you're conquering that you didn't think you could, and any number of other things that just can't be measured in calories burned.

    Do note that heart rate monitors are for monitoring heart rate, and that they are unreliable resources when it comes to estimating calorie burn, especially when it comes to things like strength training. The devices tend to use a standard equation that's not specific to any more than one or two of the above listed variables.

    How often can I do Fitness Blender's 1000 Calorie Workout Videos?
    Both strength training and high intensity interval training workouts require some recovery time for the body to properly heal itself. Since both of those elements are in this routine, you're going to want to be careful and not overdo it so as to not risk overtraining (a condition that needs to be taken seriously, no matter what your goals are or how quickly you want to lose weight). We recommend not doing this workout any more than three times per week, giving muscles an extra few days to heal if you're still sore. You can always choose from our low impact workouts on those recovery workout days. Also, we have more than a few workouts that burn 1000 calories or more at this point, so be sure to mix it up and not do the same one over and over again.