Fitness Blender's Low Impact Program is a meticulously built plan that tells you exactly which workout videos to do, 5-6 days a week (sixth day is optional). We've combined low impact cardio, strength training, Pilates, yoga, stretching, & bodyweight functional strength training to create a program that will bring about results quickly. Workouts are under 40 minutes each day, and all you need is a set of dumbbells.
This is appropriate for beginners but can be made as challenging as you need it to be; we give modifications to make this program much harder, easily challenging even very fit people - It's also an excellent introduction for beginners to some of FB's more intense programs. This program can lead to a weight loss & a noticeable change in body composition. Your energy levels may be higher, your health & mood will improve & so will your endurance, flexibility, balance, & strength.
Use #FBlowimpact on social media to track your workout sessions, share your progress, find motivation, and connect with people around the world who are following this program.