As an American- if you’ve learned nothing from the 2016 election it’s that Facebook is 100% evil and 100% complicit in horrible deceitful business practices that abuses people’s privacy and rights. Fitness blender- I love you and I know you’re trying to grow- but as a company that has a conscience I am asking you to stop using social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Please! I’ve deleted my account, and you all should do the same. You can’t trust your data to these companies- so please think twice about what you put online! We are the products, nothing that is “free” is really free of cost.
Edited to add: the real problem with social media is that 1. People do not show the bad with the good. You see a friends profile showing happy photos, vacation, etc but they never show the night the husband spent on the couch after a fight, or the night you got too drunk and said something stupid about the other persons family, etc. It’s all manicured to look perfect, which makes people feel the need to look perfect. 2- the lies/misinformation shared via social media is horrendous. I realize fitnessblender is kind of above both of these, but honestly you can’t support these platforms knowing how corrupt and horrible they are!!
Please stop using facebook
As an American- if you’ve learned nothing from the 2016 election it’s that Facebook is 100% evil and 100% complicit in horrible deceitful business practices that abuses people’s privacy and rights. Fitness blender- I love you and I know you’re trying to grow- but as a company that has a conscience I am asking you to stop using social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Please! I’ve deleted my account, and you all should do the same. You can’t trust your data to these companies- so please think twice about what you put online! We are the products, nothing that is “free” is really free of cost.
Edited to add: the real problem with social media is that 1. People do not show the bad with the good. You see a friends profile showing happy photos, vacation, etc but they never show the night the husband spent on the couch after a fight, or the night you got too drunk and said something stupid about the other persons family, etc. It’s all manicured to look perfect, which makes people feel the need to look perfect. 2- the lies/misinformation shared via social media is horrendous. I realize fitnessblender is kind of above both of these, but honestly you can’t support these platforms knowing how corrupt and horrible they are!!