It has been about a month since the last time I completed a FB workout and I have a lot of mixed feeling about it.
I was experiencing some significant pain in my back and had decided to change course for while, even got some support from the FB community. And then I got hit with mono! Which, as a 28 year old sucks. I've missed a ton of work, I've felt absolutely terrible, and I have no energy. Even short walks have left me exhausted.
However, I think I'm finally seeing the light at the end of this horrible tunnel, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump back into anything. I think I may need a few weeks of gentle practice before I can confidently roll out my mat for some HIIT. So, this whole set back has left me feeling sort of crummy. I'm trying to stay positive, and set other health goals that I can do while I'm still recovering (if you're unfamiliar, mono lasts somewhere between 2-4 weeks), but it is a struggle to feel that I can make any progress right now and it just stinks.
Mostly a rant, sorry to be a bummer. It's been a rough month.
set backs, bummer town population me
It has been about a month since the last time I completed a FB workout and I have a lot of mixed feeling about it.
I was experiencing some significant pain in my back and had decided to change course for while, even got some support from the FB community. And then I got hit with mono! Which, as a 28 year old sucks. I've missed a ton of work, I've felt absolutely terrible, and I have no energy. Even short walks have left me exhausted.
However, I think I'm finally seeing the light at the end of this horrible tunnel, but I don't think I'm quite ready to jump back into anything. I think I may need a few weeks of gentle practice before I can confidently roll out my mat for some HIIT. So, this whole set back has left me feeling sort of crummy. I'm trying to stay positive, and set other health goals that I can do while I'm still recovering (if you're unfamiliar, mono lasts somewhere between 2-4 weeks), but it is a struggle to feel that I can make any progress right now and it just stinks.
Mostly a rant, sorry to be a bummer. It's been a rough month.