I enjoyed some down time, which was nice. Read a few more books, played with dogs and chickens, and watched football (Hawks won! #GoHawks!).
Are you guys working out today, or are you resting?
Since I finished Abs Rd2 last week, I'm gonna free-lance my workouts until after our Kick A$$ Challenge next week. So today, my #WorkoutCompleteForK&D is gonna be this lower body workout:
What about you guys? What's on the schedule for you today?
And don't forget to vote on which workouts you'd like to see in our Kick A$$ Community Challenge starting next Monday (October 8th)! Here's the link to the different workout options:
The option with the most "Likes" as of tomorrow's check-in will be the winner! So head on over and vote for you favorite! And don't be afraid to speak up if you have any ideas or different options you'd like to see for this challenge too!
Well Blenders, it's gonna be a busy day for me, so I'm afraid I've gotta run! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks for checking in with me!
Daily Check-in: Monday, October 1st
Happy 1st Day of October everyone!
Hello, and how are you all doing today?
I hope you had a good weekend?
I enjoyed some down time, which was nice. Read a few more books, played with dogs and chickens, and watched football (Hawks won! #GoHawks!).
Are you guys working out today, or are you resting?
Since I finished Abs Rd2 last week, I'm gonna free-lance my workouts until after our Kick A$$ Challenge next week. So today, my #WorkoutCompleteForK&D is gonna be this lower body workout:
What about you guys? What's on the schedule for you today?
And don't forget to vote on which workouts you'd like to see in our Kick A$$ Community Challenge starting next Monday (October 8th)! Here's the link to the different workout options:
The option with the most "Likes" as of tomorrow's check-in will be the winner! So head on over and vote for you favorite! And don't be afraid to speak up if you have any ideas or different options you'd like to see for this challenge too!
Well Blenders, it's gonna be a busy day for me, so I'm afraid I've gotta run! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks for checking in with me!