Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Am I on the right way?

Hey there. I am Celina, 20 years old (138p/ 63kg and 5,4 feet/ 1,65m) and I ve always been exercising a bit. Hence I am fructoseintolerant for years I know a lot of "what to eat" and "what not to eat", so I am heating very healthy, low carb (only oats or rice) and a lot of veggies and protein (chicken, eggs, fish).

For 2 Months now i am doing a way more regular exercise routine, but for the last 3 weeks I started do go even further. I workout everyday (30-45min cardio + sometimes toning in the evening; 30min jogging etc with their videos). I am trained enough, that I wont be very sore the next day, so I think I am not over training. I eat 1300kcl - 1400kcl a day and drink 2-2,5l water. I dont have cofeein, alkohol or sugar in my diet, and hence I dont use butter or oils for cookoing I am only getting fat from avocados or meat. I am seeing some results, my breasts, my stomache and my butt are smaller, I have leaner legs and so on. But I want to go further and achieve a body that is very beautyfull in my eyes (slight abs, nice butt and so on, more on the curvy side).

I always had an "hourglass" figure and nice curves and I build up muscles quite fast. I am also getting some weights (11-15pounds sth like hat for squats) for the toning exercises.

I set my goal to look like I want to for this christmas. I am very motivated and have a lot of self dicepline. My only fear is, that I am doing sth wrong in the first place. Like eating to little or doing the wrong workouts ...

I would be so happy if someone would check my "lifestyle" for mistakes I am making. :) I am from germany, so pls excuse my grammar mistakes, we also eat differently here so nothing i eat is processed or full of added sugar etc.

A typical day:

- (before breakfast, I switch the routines up but they are all kinda like this)

- 12 o clock: 122kcal (crispbread)

- 15 o clock: 514kcal (some protein, a lot of veggies, maybe some rice)

- 17 o clock: 70kcal (veggies like tomatoes, cucumber, salad without dressing)

- if I get hungry again I get some crispbread (31kcal per slice)

- 20 o clock (30min jogging or a bit of toning)

- 21 o clock: 700kcal (oats with water, cinnamon and a bit of dextrose)

On workdays I have a bit of veggies and crispbread throught the day. When I come home at 14 o clock I do my workout first, then I eat a bit, but it pretty much stayes the same.

I do the 1000kacl challenge 1x a week at fridays. If I feel like I have earned a special treat I get an avocado or some nuts. I dont eat any milkproducts. I always eat when I am getting hungry so I am not activly starving my self, I just have a very waterbased diet, because I am eating a lot of soup which I am making from zuccini, spinache, karrots and salt. Sometimes chicken or an egg is thrown in there with some ricenoddles.

I am very grateful for every comment :)