So today was day 1 of round 2. The first time around I was very motivated in the beginning and never let myself miss a work out. But I always get stuck after the 2nd week and start to fall off track. I ended up doing half of week 3 and 2 days of week 4. I took a couple days off and I'm getting started again but this time my goal is to get all the way to week 4 with less missed days. Hopefully none but we'll see.
PFT stats: Round 1 - Round 2
Mile: 20.11 - 17.39
Push ups; 15 knee - 10 ( I mowed the grass and other yard work yesterday so my arms were already sore)
FB Low Impact Round 2
So today was day 1 of round 2. The first time around I was very motivated in the beginning and never let myself miss a work out. But I always get stuck after the 2nd week and start to fall off track. I ended up doing half of week 3 and 2 days of week 4. I took a couple days off and I'm getting started again but this time my goal is to get all the way to week 4 with less missed days. Hopefully none but we'll see.
PFT stats: Round 1 - Round 2
Mile: 20.11 - 17.39
Push ups; 15 knee - 10 ( I mowed the grass and other yard work yesterday so my arms were already sore)
Squats; 30 - 30
Plank; 47.51 - 53.57