So, I was given the news that, despite still healing from complications, I'm allowed to start doing a little more stuff now. The rule is "no bouncing" of the boobs. So....leaves me with a challenge to figure out what I can do despite that. All cardio seems out of the question, apart from walking and maybe climbing steps. Lower body I can definitely start working on, like squats and lunges, so long as they're slow. Having said all that, I'm absolutely shocked each day at how exhausted I am when only adding one new thing to my day; for example, clearing up the kitchen for 15mins will leave me needing a long rest. Considering I didn't even use my upper body at all for about 2 weeks and then only increased slowly over the next 4 weeks, so now I can hold a full dinner plate - but that feels very heavy - I guess I need to take this rehabilitation half a step at a time.
At least I'm allowed to start, so even 5mins of lower body work will be better than nothing!!
And must remember that I'm still healing, so my body still needs rest.
6 weeks post surgery....and exhausted
So, I was given the news that, despite still healing from complications, I'm allowed to start doing a little more stuff now. The rule is "no bouncing" of the boobs. So....leaves me with a challenge to figure out what I can do despite that. All cardio seems out of the question, apart from walking and maybe climbing steps. Lower body I can definitely start working on, like squats and lunges, so long as they're slow. Having said all that, I'm absolutely shocked each day at how exhausted I am when only adding one new thing to my day; for example, clearing up the kitchen for 15mins will leave me needing a long rest. Considering I didn't even use my upper body at all for about 2 weeks and then only increased slowly over the next 4 weeks, so now I can hold a full dinner plate - but that feels very heavy - I guess I need to take this rehabilitation half a step at a time.
At least I'm allowed to start, so even 5mins of lower body work will be better than nothing!!
And must remember that I'm still healing, so my body still needs rest.
End of my thoughts for the day essay!