Something new - Vocal commentary on fitness issues
I know you're all used to my very long posts. I decided to try something new and talk to you about something via vocal recording. It's around 9:55 long, so if you don't feel like listening to that no biggie. Depending on how you all feel about this I might make things like this more, or if you'd rather not I'll just go back to typing. Whatever the case, I'm talking here about my personal views on the concept of a "cheat meal" and its relation to our mental health and body image. Also I sing a little at the end because what's a recording of me if I'm not silly for at least a second? You can skip that part too if you want.
Something new - Vocal commentary on fitness issues
I know you're all used to my very long posts. I decided to try something new and talk to you about something via vocal recording. It's around 9:55 long, so if you don't feel like listening to that no biggie. Depending on how you all feel about this I might make things like this more, or if you'd rather not I'll just go back to typing. Whatever the case, I'm talking here about my personal views on the concept of a "cheat meal" and its relation to our mental health and body image. Also I sing a little at the end because what's a recording of me if I'm not silly for at least a second? You can skip that part too if you want.