Today we are returning to yoga, but this is a form of yoga I've rarely seen promoted in this country, offering many more dynamic postures than the more common hatha practice I've come across before. It is practiced in Bihar, India, and has a school in London as well.
I've selected some exercises from the Book 'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha'; these words refer to yoga postures, breathing, gestures and internal energy locks. We are focusing on asana.
The page numbers below refer to the numbers printed in the book, not the ones in the browser, as these latter depend on the scaling you have set, so will be different for everyone.
You might find one or two of these a bit funny (funny = ha-ha and funny = peculiar). I thought it would be nice to have a laugh during out mobility practice.
You can follow as much of the instructions for each asana as is accessible and interesting to you. The important thing is always to breath calmly and deeply; try to marry each movement to the breath.
If you spot a posture you're particularly keen to try, don't hesitate to add it or substitute it for another on the list.
Healthy Life Challenge: Mobility Day 5
Today we are returning to yoga, but this is a form of yoga I've rarely seen promoted in this country, offering many more dynamic postures than the more common hatha practice I've come across before. It is practiced in Bihar, India, and has a school in London as well.
I've selected some exercises from the Book 'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha'; these words refer to yoga postures, breathing, gestures and internal energy locks. We are focusing on asana.
The page numbers below refer to the numbers printed in the book, not the ones in the browser, as these latter depend on the scaling you have set, so will be different for everyone.
You might find one or two of these a bit funny (funny = ha-ha and funny = peculiar). I thought it would be nice to have a laugh during out mobility practice.
You can follow as much of the instructions for each asana as is accessible and interesting to you. The important thing is always to breath calmly and deeply; try to marry each movement to the breath.
If you spot a posture you're particularly keen to try, don't hesitate to add it or substitute it for another on the list.
1. Chakra padasana p44
2. Jhulana Lurhakasana p54
3. Vayunishkarasana p69
4. Udarakarshanasana p72
5. Pranamasana p128
6. Kati Chakrasana p142
7. Meru Prishthasana p145
8. Utthita Lolasana p156
9. Rotational viewing p81
5. Simhagarjasana p115
Here's the link to the book:
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this form of yoga asana!