We had a request for yoga videos as part of this mobility challenge, so that's what we're doing today.
These are two basic sequences representing the sun and the moon. The sun is associated with heat, light, dynamism, masculinity, action, and of course, daytime! The moon connotes cool, dark, stillness, femininity, rest and nighttime.
You can choose either one, or both; the sun sequence is traditionally done in the morning, and the moon sequence in the evening. You could also do them before and after your workout, as a warmup and cooldown. I like to go through each one several times.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
If you're new to yoga, my tip is to breathe calmly and deeply through your nose; the aim is to associate each movement to the breath.
Please report back on how you find this yoga today!
Healthy Life Challenge: Mobility Day 2
We had a request for yoga videos as part of this mobility challenge, so that's what we're doing today.
These are two basic sequences representing the sun and the moon. The sun is associated with heat, light, dynamism, masculinity, action, and of course, daytime! The moon connotes cool, dark, stillness, femininity, rest and nighttime.
You can choose either one, or both; the sun sequence is traditionally done in the morning, and the moon sequence in the evening. You could also do them before and after your workout, as a warmup and cooldown. I like to go through each one several times.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
If you're new to yoga, my tip is to breathe calmly and deeply through your nose; the aim is to associate each movement to the breath.
Please report back on how you find this yoga today!