So it took me almost three months to finish, due to the flu, a tailbone and a heel injury all nice and spaced out throughout. (None of the injuries from doing anything fitness blender related, I only have myself to blame x)). I had to reschedule quite a few times because of this, but I finally finished!! Here are my befores and afters for the PFT.
half pushup: 13 -> 33
squats: 50 -> 182
static plank: 58 secs -> 1:41
sit and reach: -4.5cm -> +6cm
Mile run: ~13+ mins (lol this was no pleasant) -> 10:15
It's a wonder how much 30 minutes a day can do to your fitness. I'm so proud of myself!!!
I'll be starting FB burn this summer, and maybe restart FB30 when I start college. I'll also have to start doing my squats with weight because 182 of them was not a pleasant experience haha... I think I counted them right.
Finished FB30!! My results
So it took me almost three months to finish, due to the flu, a tailbone and a heel injury all nice and spaced out throughout. (None of the injuries from doing anything fitness blender related, I only have myself to blame x)). I had to reschedule quite a few times because of this, but I finally finished!! Here are my befores and afters for the PFT.
half pushup: 13 -> 33
squats: 50 -> 182
static plank: 58 secs -> 1:41
sit and reach: -4.5cm -> +6cm
Mile run: ~13+ mins (lol this was no pleasant) -> 10:15
It's a wonder how much 30 minutes a day can do to your fitness. I'm so proud of myself!!!
I'll be starting FB burn this summer, and maybe restart FB30 when I start college. I'll also have to start doing my squats with weight because 182 of them was not a pleasant experience haha... I think I counted them right.