Yesterday I completed a lower body strength training session, and what bothers me a little is that it's not my legs that are feeling the biggest burn. It's my upper back, as I was mostly doing squats and lunges with dumbells held like Kelli does in the picture. Also sometimes I had to take a break not because my legs needed a rest, but because my shoulders were burning. Am I doing something wrong? It doesn't seem to be incorrect form, they use it sometimes in FB videos, but also feel like it should be my legs that are getting tired, not my shoulders.
Sore upper back after lower body training
Yesterday I completed a lower body strength training session, and what bothers me a little is that it's not my legs that are feeling the biggest burn. It's my upper back, as I was mostly doing squats and lunges with dumbells held like Kelli does in the picture. Also sometimes I had to take a break not because my legs needed a rest, but because my shoulders were burning. Am I doing something wrong? It doesn't seem to be incorrect form, they use it sometimes in FB videos, but also feel like it should be my legs that are getting tired, not my shoulders.