Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk


Hi folks,

I just started FB Sweat, after finishing the free 5 day programme for strong and lean (though I think I might have started that and finished the burn fat and build lean muscle through confusion!) after a 2 day break, got two days into FB Sweat and got hit by a migraine yesterday. My migraines are really variable, but this would probably be a 7 on my own migraine scale to 10 (I know other people's 10s can be a lot worse than mine). My stomach would not take anything in and stayed empty for 24 hours.

I have an idea of what my migraine triggers are and this was an anomaly. Though I can't prove it of course, my theory is that the cause was I'm not eating enough for the amount I'm working out + I missed a meal on a stressful Thursday (only happens occasionally).

And the reason I've not eaten enough? I have tried to start slow and steady on improving my diet and have simply cut out sugary snacks (the usual suspects + anything that has sugar as its first ingredient) and crisps. I didn't think I actually ate that much sugar and junk food, and I don't miss it all that much but I'm constantly at a loss as to what I can eat. Meals are not a problem but snacks are. For snacks, I'm pretty much on nuts, dark chocolate, pears + peanut butter, and sourdough bread. None of the above strikes me as too bad, but I think volume is the problem - not enough. I'm also constantly having to think 'I'm hungry, what can I eat that's quick?' and struggling to think fo something. I never know what to buy when I'm out shopping either, cutting out one type of 'bad stuff' has unexpectedly made food become a whole new ball game!

Though I'm sure I can start to work through better nutrition for myself, especially with all the great recipes and community posts on this site, I thought I'd just put it out there and see if anyone's got any general advice? I'm also wondering what might be good to eat today considering I'm starting from zero.

Much appreciated.