So I've done a few different programs, and I really love the 30-40 minute sessions in Sweat, FB30 and Burn. I've done Booty rounds 1 and 2 a few times along with Flex, and I've done the 1000 cal. exercises every now and then when I feel like it. But I feel like FB Fit was too much for me. 60+ minute workouts most days just left me feeling tired, and honestly a lot of the days were a struggle to get through and I LOVE working out. But towards the end I had to force myself. I haven't felt like that in years. I'm back to doing FB Burn round 1 and loving it. Anyone else out there experience something similar?
I think FB Fit was too much
So I've done a few different programs, and I really love the 30-40 minute sessions in Sweat, FB30 and Burn. I've done Booty rounds 1 and 2 a few times along with Flex, and I've done the 1000 cal. exercises every now and then when I feel like it. But I feel like FB Fit was too much for me. 60+ minute workouts most days just left me feeling tired, and honestly a lot of the days were a struggle to get through and I LOVE working out. But towards the end I had to force myself. I haven't felt like that in years. I'm back to doing FB Burn round 1 and loving it. Anyone else out there experience something similar?