My break experience. (Finally)

Hello, fellow blenders!

I’m finally getting around to sharing about my break experience. I feel a little stupid for even writing this now, but I thought maybe it could be helpful to some.

So, a few weeks ago, I saw D&K’s post about how they had taken a break from social media, and several post, comments and articles about giving your body a rest from working out. I had never really thought about purposely taking a break from exercise other than being sick, having an injury, on a trip, or just not being able to for whatever reason. I wanted to try it. I kinda just realized I needed a break physically, and mentally!

I’ve always been “long and lean” and not that strong. I’m pretty fast, have good cardio endurance, and I’m stronger than I look, but I guess I’m a “hard gainer.” I really wanted to put on some more muscle mass, and maybe I was trying to hard to get it.

I was pretty busy and probably not going to bed early enough, therefore not getting enough sleep. (Yeah, that’s something I need to work on.😬) I don’t know if my body was tired and not recovering fully, or maybe I was overtraining it, but I felt stuck, and frustrated with myself. I thought I was doing my best during my workouts, and pushing myself, but I felt like I wasn’t making much progress. I wasn’t getting sore afterwards that much. (I now know that’s not what defines a good workout.) But I like to go hard, and I like that soreness, and I thought if I got sore, I had had a good, effective workout! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just didn’t seem to have that good energetic feeling though out the day. I really enjoyed the routines, but something just wasn’t the same. (I have been eating plenty, don’t worry. That’s NOT the problem! I can eat more than most people would probably expect! I had snacks, too.😉) I know I need to get heavier weights too.

I feel ashamed writing all this because I tell y’all all the time it’s not just about the physical, but without even realizing it, I was letting something I wanted to work on physically, start to become a burden. 😔 I honestly wasn’t focusing on just the “outward looks,” but I guess I got impatient, and was pushing to hard. I’m not saying I don’t need strength training, and muscle building. I just want to be honest, and show that I’m still learning and I struggle too.

Anyway, after reading these things I just knew resting was important, and something I was missing. So I decided I was going to take a break from the internet, (other than necessary things) and a break from working out. I was happily surprised with the results!

Taking a break from the internet really freed me up to do other things, although I’ll admit I didn’t last the full week. I really wanted to see what y’all were up to!😄

I wanted to go the full week, but I was proud of the few days I stayed off, and I’ll try to do better next time!

Taking a break from working out really helped get my body rested, and much to my surprise, I gained a little muscle mass!😱 What!?! I guess my muscles needed to fully heal! I felt so much better, and relaxed, and ready when I started up again! I really do enjoy working out, and there were a few times I wanted to do it, but I didn’t, and ended up taking 9 days off. (Other than light activity, and I did the 3 day flexibility challenge before starting up again.)

So! To sum up, I had a good reminder that I need to not rush, and resting is good for you! Healthy living is a lifestyle after all, so why rush it? I would recommend taking a break every once in a while!

I’m sorry for this ridiculously long, all over the place ramble, but I just wanted to spit some things out.

Thank you to everyone who has taught me things on here! Please share if there’s something else I should know/learn from! I look forward to continuing to learn from, and talk with y’all!

