Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

POTS/PEM appropriate workouts?

Just wondering if there are any free workouts planned that would be suitable for people who have POTS, pose exertional malaise (PEM) and chronic fatigue?

I was diagnosed with long covid in 2023 and it’s radically changed my life. I used to work out on FB most days and I’ve had to learn to walk again. I can’t work, so I can’t pay for programs. Due to my POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) doing a lot of up/down stuff makes me pass out and spend days in bed.

Does anyone know of any free programs that are appropriate for POTS/chronic fatigue etc? Or if there are any planned?

I really miss the normality of “workout complete” but I just can’t get there with the programs I used to love.

FWIW, it was long COVID awareness day the other day. Estimated of people affected are difficult to pinpoint because often it affects women more than men, and there’s a lot of gendered diagnoses (“anxiety”, “all in your head” etc). However even with that it’s estimated that over 6% of the world population suffer from long covid.

It would be amazing to see Fitness Blender put out some long COVID videos not just to help raise awareness but also to help people stay active and reclaim some of what they lost as part of the disease 🫶