HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 8th

Good Saturday morning!

I have an appointment to give blood this morning, so by default, this will be a rest day for me. I also need to rest because I’ve been running on empty. I overreacted over a spilled glass of milk at breakfast yesterday and I realized that the frustrations and anger I’ve been feeling over being overworked for 3.5 weeks straight, and the anxiety that has been creeping upwards from constantly hearing about Trump’s insanity and threats to Canada, were greatly affecting my overall mood and patience.

So other than doing some laundry, because I need clothes, and going for a walk, because this will a beautiful, sunny day here, I will rest and watch sports and series. No watching or reading news at all for me today. I may also do a stretching workout, maybe Kelli and Daniel’s latest one that I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. I’ll also finish the book that I’m currently reading but didn’t like and look for a new author to try.

Looking forward to reading about your plans and your day and wishing everyone a great one! 🙂