Weekend check-in ANG: Sunday February 2.

Good morning and happy Groundhog Day, at least here in the US. I have no idea if he saw his shadow, but either way only 46 days until Spring!! I for one am here for it ASAP! Lol.

So it's Sunday. I know several of us likely have a rest day on the docket. If you are working out, what will you be doing? Tell me about your upcoming plans? I am doing my Sunday fun run long run still today and put together a semi deload week before I do the strength block for the first time. (Tasha-Erica-Brian, right?)

Dinner will be stuffed pepper soup in the crockpot since Jack has a 6pm basketball game 🤦‍♀️.

Mein Sohn hilft mir. Was it deine Muttersprache? Wandern Sie in Parks?

Okay, between Jack, myself, and our German dictionary....after which hubs asked why I didn't just Google translate 🤦‍♀️ Because this was more fun, okay?! Lol. And I didn't think of it. Essentially, if not English, what's your native language? I know several are bilingual. I am not. I took 4 years of German in high school and I can remember enough to sometimes help Jack on Duo Lingo, which he's been doing for 2-3 years and can ask you "how many cucumbers do you need for the salad?" Cause everyone needs to know that. Jack had the last question for you then "do you hike in parks?"

Picture- Riley was torn between wanting to play soccer with Paige and walking with us, so she brought the ball. Lol. Thankfully she left it on a trail and not deep in the woods. We looped back around to get it.

Alright. I'm done. Thanks for having me this weekend guys!! Always a pleasure to help out and read what everyone is up to!! All are welcome here ❤️