Perspiration Pals Sunday January 26, 2025

Happy Sunday Ppals!

What's up! I sitting here having coffee and thinking about breakfast. The cats are looking out the windows, Nellie is looking at the birds in front and Cinnamon is watching out the back window.

The snow is mostly gone and will be this afternoon when it get's in the 50's F. The meme makes me think maybe next time it snows I can build a snow cat.

One of the highlights of my week was that Nellie sat on my lap. She usually sits next to me on the arm of the couch and one afternoon I realized she was on my lap with her paws on the arm of the couch. Nellie you will be a lap cat yet! Most you remember Lillie. She was rather insistent at being on my lap. If my laptop was there she would wiggle her little butt until there was room for her too.

Yesterday was a mobility day. Erica's hip and glute mobility workout along with Kayla's workout for travelers are my go to hip mobility workouts. They both makes my legs feel good.

Today I am on to day 15 of Kickstart. It says Upper body and hitt cardio strength and I am happy to see it is low impact.

Breakfast will be oatmeal and dinner will be ???? I am looking for inspiration.

How your weekend is going well. Tell me all about it. Are you planning on building a snow cat next snow storm?

All are welcome to chat with us.
