HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 20th

Hello everyone, welcome to Monday's thread on Sunday night again. My energy levels are much better these days, and eventually I'll start getting up again in the mornings 🙃

While I was working out earlier today, I had the radio on and heard a good quote from musician and novelist Zachary Richard

"Avec engagement, ardeur et persistance on peut passer à travers de tout" (Zachary Richard)

I'll translate that as "with commitment, passion and persistence you can get though anything", so I thought I'd share that for all you resilient, perseverant folks out there.

I'm happy to be back to working out. I'm doing Erica's 5-day barre challenge and enjoying it. I'm also pretty excited about the upcoming programming. Low Impact round 3, and Barre & build are right in my comfort zone. What about you, had any good workouts lately?