Enhancing accessibility.

First, I want to share my beliefs that all bodies benefit from movement, and that Fitness Blender is more accessible and inclusive than most ablest fitness communities.

I also want to acknowledge the vast array of workouts and programs available, and the personal responsibility of making needed modifications. I also need to mention individual differences between bodies.

With that said, I wonder if there’s a way in the write up of a routine to include how easily modifiable or accessible is a workout. I’m thinking something like an alert sentence at the bottom of the write up? This routine is easily modifiable or this routine is not easily modifiable. Or this routine uses no weights, but it’s heavy on walk downs and planks, if hands and wrists are an issue. The community is giving reviews of routines, which is very helpful to know if a workout needs to be subbed.

It’s true that I can just listen to the trainer and do an entirely different workout than what they’re doing, but it tends to be disheartening instead of motivational. I can handle about 30% of a routine needing to be modified before I begin to think what’s the point.

Thanks for listening. I look forward to many more happy years of Fitness Blender.