Daily Check-in ANG: Monday, December 23rd

Heya Blendfriends! Welcome to the beginning of another week, as we are careening to the end of December and the end of 2024! 😮 What in the even heck?!

I want to give a big thank you to Cabob for being our guest host over the weekend!

Okay, let’s get to it. What workouts or movement do you have planned for today? I plan on going for a long walk, as technically nothing is scheduled for FF w/Nicole. And making up the guest bed for my mom- getting that fitted sheet on is quite the physical challenge! 🤪

Food? I have no idea. I made a ton of spaghetti sauce last night. If my kids don’t eat it for lunch, we may have spaghetti again. But what’s on your menu for tonight?

Okie dokie! My coffee is calling to me! Have a wonderful day, and thanks for checking in!

Editing to add that sometimes when it rains, it pours: last week our pipes backed up and our laundry room flooded, and then I hit a pole with our new van. Just now Hubby informed me that our furnace went out. I just laughed and told him, “Of course it did.” Tra la la! Good thing we have a fireplace! Although the basement is going to get icy, and that’s where I workout 🥶

***All are welcome to check in here!
