HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 10th

Good Tuesday morning! Today’s meme is in response to something that Sharon said yesterday, that this seems to be a season of high demands and low energy for many of us. Wishing you to take it easy and to be kind to yourself.

So we officially own a house now. The final meeting at the notary yesterday lasted about half an hour. The seller and his agent were there. The seller was very nice and we noticed that he went above and beyond in getting the house ready for us, even clearing the snow in the driveway. He did look sad and worn out though. It couldn’t have been easy taking care of the sale of his late father’s house, going through all of his things and emptying the house.

We took a quick look around and will go back today after work to make a list of everything that needs to be done. David will bring the fan deck of paint colours that they use at his place of work so that we can choose our wall

colours. We’re lucky that he’ll be able to use the residence’s discount at various reno stores. And we’ll move some boxes too, to clear some space in the apartment.

I will try my first longer workout this morning in what feels like forever. It will be a strength workout from the 12 Days of Fitmas challenge at work. I’ll see how I fare and if I have to take breaks or modify the exercises. I’m hoping to avoid coughing fits. Everything looks iced over outside, so I don’t think that I’ll go for a walk. I don’t have access to our walking pad at the moment, with all of boxes lying around. Will you be moving or resting today?

Wishing everyone a wonderful day! 🙂
