I cannot express enough gratitude for this website, this community and the fantastic (Plus) content.
I was wondering, would you ever consider offering something like a pay it forward membership model? I would actually be happy to pay a little more to be a Plus member (and maybe I'm not the only one), and this way someone could get a Plus membership who can't afford it otherwise.
No idea how exactly this would work, but it would be cool to have the option to add a little more to your membership payment that ends up in a virtual pot somewhere...
Pay-it-forward payment model?
Hey FB family,
I cannot express enough gratitude for this website, this community and the fantastic (Plus) content.
I was wondering, would you ever consider offering something like a pay it forward membership model? I would actually be happy to pay a little more to be a Plus member (and maybe I'm not the only one), and this way someone could get a Plus membership who can't afford it otherwise.
No idea how exactly this would work, but it would be cool to have the option to add a little more to your membership payment that ends up in a virtual pot somewhere...
Have a lovely evening/day everyone!