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New! Walking Body Scan

Hello everyone!

I like to think of this practice as a great opportunity to multitask! If you want to get in some physical movement and engage in a mindfulness/meditative practice, then this walking body scan is just right for you.

Walking Body Scan

Sometimes I just need to step away from my work, family stress, or other situations and get away. I mean physically moving my body away from my house/office (for me they’re one in the same) or wherever I’m at. When my mind is going a mile a minute and I’ve been sitting for a long time, I know that this is a signal to me that I need to engage both my mind and my body at the same time. Enter the walking body scan.

This practice will guide you through scanning your physical body for sensations and reactions to movement as you’re walking. I will help you focus on one body part at a time, connecting your mind and body, in order to relieve stress/tension and to engage in mindfulness. 

So, I’d love to hear about your walking routes after you do this - what scenery accompanies you on your walks?!