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New Workout! Lower Body Tri-Sets

Hey there! More tri-sets anyone? 

Lower Body Tri-Sets

In this level 4 workout, we take on 12 tri-sets. Each of the 3 exercises in each set are completed back-to-back for 30 seconds each, followed by a 30-second rest. The first exercises will be foundational lower body exercises and the second and third exercises will put a spin on the first. Grab a range of weights for lower body exercises or if you’re new to formats with back-to-back sets, feel free to approach this workout without any weights! 

Most of you know that during this workout, I am pregnant and in a season of lower demand when it comes to exercise. I do share my weights lifted throughout since you’re all used to that for reference, but please be sure to understand and choose weights based on your own threshold! By that third 30-second interval in each set, you want to feel like it would be extremely tough to complete a fourth interval! 

The workout itself is 24 minutes and there is no burnout. Knowing this should make it motivating to give your all during each tri-set! 
