Powerblock Elite EXP 90

After years of coveting the Powerblock dumbbells, I finally got a set of the Elite expandable dumbbells. I only have the 50 lbs per hand set. They're great dumbbells, and one of the things that I like about them is how you can really customize the weight selection. However, I have a gripe. The design requires you to set the pin to just the handle and then individually remove one or both of the 2.5 lb slugs from the handle to adjust for the smaller or in-between weight increments (e.g. to get 5, 7.5, 15, 25, etc.). It's kind of a pain to do, especially in the limited rest breaks between exercises. The pin mechanism for selecting weights is incredibly efficient, but this aspect of the design definitely makes these more cumbersome than I expected.

Just voicing my thoughts on these. Don't regret buying, and I'm sure I'll get used to them!